I can't believe it's been nearly 4 months since I've last posted a blog, but time has gotten away from me and here we are. Today finds me basking in one of those rare beautiful weather days in Rockford....something we don't see very often, but an anomily I eagerly anticipate and increasingly appreciate. When days like these burst forth in glory and splendor, I tend to store their beauty and warmth away somewhere in my subconsciousness....to be drawn upon in the depths of the grey winters we experience in the Midwest. It's like a deposit of sunshine into my mental savings account. I thank God for the gift of His beauty and warmth, which leaves me enveloped in the grip of His love. His hand was all over this day; the rays of sunshine were His very fingers stroking my hair and and leaving me Son-kissed. The refreshing breeze was His spirit engulfing me in a glorious whisper heard deeply in my soul. I so often miss His blessings in everyday life, but, today, I was a little more observant and stopped to breathe in Sonshine. I can't adequately describe it, but I think you get my drift. Me and God got a thing goin' on and sometimes He just has to remind me of that in tangible ways. That leaves me reflective and oh so thankful for the wake up call.
Bill and I just got back from Ft. Meyers, FL, where we enjoyed a fun-filled family week with our daughter and her boyfriend. We spent our days on Sanibel Island in the Gulf waters. It was beautiful and a welcome reprieve from the daily routine. Now Bill is in NYC for a few days for some fun with his family and friends. In the meantime, I've become totally enthralled with the summer Olympics. They're fantastic to watch and I find myself routing for the wonderful athletes as I hear their stories and anticipate a dream of theirs being realized as they compete. I just watched the American Men's Swim Relay team beat the French by a fingernail. The French had been talking trash and being arrogant...as usual...so it was especially sweet to watch Michael Phelps and team celebrate with unabashed enthusiasm as they literally snatched the gold. How exciting! And how about that opening ceremony - WOW! Was that ever a great show?! I cannot even describe how incredible it was. I hear you can watch it on YouTube, so pull it up if you didn't see it. It's worth your time.
Well, this has really been a catch up for the last 4 months, so I apologize for my hybernation. Hopefully, I'll be back to post soon. In the meantime, take care and join me in looking for God's everyday blessings. They're abundant and ever-present. I pray for comfort and joy for my mom and I would love for you to join me in that prayer. God watches over her and is her blessing day in and out. I am ever grateful! Blessings to each of you.