The needs in Haiti, even before this past week's devastating earthquake, but especially in the aftermath of the disaster, are monumental. Please continue to pray for these precious people. They need compassion and love in many forms. Pray that the financial, physical and spiritual needs of this country and it's people will be met like never before. God loves them and they need to see His love through His people. Please continue to pray for them and do whatever you can to help as God leads you to do so. That's what God's people do.
I was thinking about all that's going on in the world. Trouble is something we can be assured of. Yet we can hold on to hope in a faithful God. He never leaves us or foresakes us and He will be with us through whatever trials we may endure. It seems that, with an event like this week's earthquake, there is a boatload of trouble going on. We needn't fear, though. Our God is a big God. He can handle the prayers of ALL His people.
In the bible, Job was afflicted with significant trouble. The cause for which is unclear. What is clear is that God, in His perfect timing, healed and rewarded Job. It's interesting that this blessing came after Job prayed for his friends. Let this be a reminder that we should continually pray for the needs of others. They matter to God and, therefore, they should matter to us. He doesn't actually "need" us, but, thankfully, He uses us to bless others when we allow Him to. Our blessings are so sweet when we surrender to His plan and allow Him to use us to bless others.
Considering that our God can handle a multitude of prayer requests, I would be remiss not to continue to ask for your prayers of agreement for God to completely heal me of the breast cancer I have been diagnosed with. Not only do I believe and trust in the power of prayer, but I am a particularly satisfied customer in prayers of specificity. With that being said, I am praying for God to heal me in any way He chooses to and for Him to be glorified in and through my current "trouble". Please join with me to specifically pray that God will do the following:
*heal me through supernatural intervention, i.e. a miracle, or
*heal me through the surgeons and/or medical professionals who will be involved in any treatment I may have to undergo
*give the surgeon and medical staff wisdom and giftedness to "encapsulate" the entire area that is affected and remove it completely
*not allow any cancer to be in lymph nodes or to spread to any other area of my body, i.e. bloodstream, organs or bones - again - let it be safely and completely removed from my body
*allow any needed follow-up treatment to be completely effective without any further danger or harm to me or my body
*surround me, Bill, Kristen, our family and friends with your peace that comes from knowing that YOU are in control and that YOU are good and faithful.
*allow this trial in my life to be used for good to help others and to shine a light on YOU, your goodness and your faithfulness.
The lumpectomy surgery is this Friday, January 22nd, at OSF - St. Anthony's Hospital in Rockford, IL. I go in at 8:00 am for needle placement and anesthesia preparation. The surgery is scheduled for 11:00 am.
Bill will give an update on facebook as soon as he is able to. To get an update, you can send him a friend request if you are not already on his friend list. We will also try to update my facebook status if possible.
God's blessings to you and THANK YOU for your prayers for me and others who are in need of God's grace and mercy. He is GOOD!
My soul magnifies the Lord, for He has done great things for me!