It was a year ago, today, that I received a surprising diagnosis of invasive breast cancer. God was my only lifeline then, and He continues to be my lifeline today. The cancer was removed in January of this year, with clear margins, and none was found in my lymph nodes. I have been remarkably healthy this past year, despite my health trials. On this day, a year ago, all I could say was, "My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord, for He has done great things for me"! Bill says God heard my praise before He heard my prayers. I was mindful of all the blessings He had already given me and, in Him, I had to continue to put my trust. I knew that whatever was to come, I could only get through it with God's help.
So, today, as I revel in God's faithfulness, I am reminded again of Mary's song in Luke 1:46-49. I will always sing this song with praise and thanksgiving:
"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servent. From now on, all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me - holy is his name".
Last week, Bill had me read this scripture at the end of the Celebrate Recovery service. With joy in my spirit, I readily agreed to read the scripture because of what it meant to me and the hope I thought it would instill in others. I became all choked up with emotion and gratitude and could barely get the words out. Initially, I thought, "Great, I've really blown this"! But then I remembered who God is, and knew He would use His words as He intended. It didn't matter that my delivery wasn't perfect; wasn't even good, really. What matters is that He used my testimony to portray His faithfulness. And I'll be singing that song forevermore.