The 3/27 daily verse is from John 3:27, "John replied, 'God in heaven appoints each person's work.'"
In this verse, John the Baptist is responding to some of his disciples who have come to him with concerns over, what seems like, a bit of confusion and maybe some pride. They wanted to know what the deal was with Jesus, the one John had told them was the Messiah. Jesus had come on the baptising scene and many people were now going to him to be baptised, instead of coming to John.
You gotta love John, though; this dude who wasn't out to impress anyone. Anyone who wears a camel-haired tunic and has a diet of locusts and honey, doesn't seem as if he cares what anyone really thinks of him. He was just there to do the job God had set before prepare the way for Jesus...and he knew how to stay in his lane. He was quick to allay any fears that this new guy was knocking them out of a job. He wanted them to know that Jesus was, in fact, the very reason for their efforts.
Previously, in scripture, it states that John was there to tell everyone about Jesus, the light of the world, who was to come. It says that John was not the light, but the witness to the light. And he was okay with that. John knew who he was and the work that God had appointed him to do. More importantly, he knew who Jesus was. He recognised him when he came and pointed others to him.
Can you imagine a job more important than preparing the way and telling others about the Messiah to come? I can't think of many. Yet, this unassuming bug-eating desert dude was completely on task, without one iota of pride over the role that God had given him. He knew that his work was to point only to Jesus. Can I say the same? I would hope so, but I also know that I can take some pointers from John.
I am reminded that Jesus is the focus for whatever I do in ministry or in life. If I fulfill the calling to which God has appointed me, there's no need to worry about what someone else is doing. Recognition isn't necessary, because, like John, I'm only here to point to the One who is the Light of the World. Will there be times when I have to swallow my pride or even eat some humble pie. Absolutely, but that's least bugs aren't on the menu.
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