Friday, May 13, 2011

Menu options

The 5/13 verse for the day is Heb 5:13, "And a person who is living on milk isn't very far along in the Christian life and doesn't know much about doing what is right." (NLT)

We all love our children and we give them milk until they are hungry for more.  At first, milk is the only thing they can digest safely, but as they start to grow, they yearn for something of more substance.  There comes a day when milk isn't enough and a healthier, more balanced diet must be given to them if they are going to continue to grow.  In the beginning it's okay to be a baby, but there comes a time when everyone needs to grow up for their own good.
You could say that I am especially direct with Christians about learning the truths within God's word, so they can learn to live in the freedom He has reserved for them.  Yet, I am well aware that love and grace will always open the door for truth, so I give all the kudos in the world to those whose example of love leads people to Christ.  I want to be more like them, because a welcome and loving atmosphere can break down defenses of people who would, otherwise, not be interested in hearing anything about God.  But, God is quick to remind me that He uses each of us in unique ways to accomplish His will; some people nurse and some people nurture.  Both kinds of people have their place in God's master plan.  Just like His children need milk when they are babies, they need meat to mature into something more.  Truth is meat.  Without it, we never learn to walk and run as mature Christians.  Truth is also love.  God loves us too much to leave us ignorant of His loving truth.
If you find yourself at God's table, be prepared for whatever He wants to feed you.  If you've been cutting your teeth for a while, it may be time to move from the booster seat into a big chair.  There's plenty of meat on God's menu, so come hungry and be prepared to be fed.

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