Today is 9/11. The day has great significance to many of us. Anyone who was around on 9/11/2001, and old enough to know what was going on, remembers where they were and what they were doing when terrorists attacked our country via four hi-jacked airplanes. The aftermath was horrific and the losses still grieve us.
Personally, I have an additional reason for remembering 9/11. My dad passed away one year after the terrorists attacks, on 9/11/2002. I miss his presence here on earth, but it is a sweet blessing to know my daddy is with the Lord and that I will see him again some day and spend eternity with him in heaven.
My prayer for the survivors and the loved ones of 9/11 victoms is that they may have the peace of Jesus to give them the same hope and future that my dad is now experiencing. Death, nor man, cannot rob us of eternal life when we have placed our hope and trust in Jesus Christ. It is that hope that gives many of us the joy and strength to face an uncertain world, yet rest in a certain future with our Lord.
Today's verse reminds me of the power of the awesome God who rescues us and brings victory out of death for believers in Christ. It comes from Nehemiah 9:11, "You divided the sea for your people so they could walk through on dry land! And then you hurled their enemies into the depths of the sea. They sank like stones beneath the mighty waters." NLT
This verse reminds me that the seas of life will roar, but if God is for us, then the victory is already ours. He gives us safe passage to the other side and defeats our enemies, even in death. Life on earth is limited, but life in heaven is our eternal reward. That's the kind of God we have...a Forever God!
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