Sunday, July 1, 2012

Soaking up the "Son"

It's bright and early on this 1st day of July in 2012 and I'm having my coffee...iced.  It's quiet delightful to enjoy the quietness of the morning and set my mind on things above.  It's much easier to do so before the world and it's distractions come rushing in.  A friend recently gave me Sarah Young's devotional, Jesus Calling.  I'm reading today's devotion and it's just perfect.  I thought I'd share it with you.  She uses her own words to paraphrase scripture and writes as though God were talking directly to us.  He always is, isn't He?

The following is based on scripture from Psalm 48:9; Deut 33:12; Psalm 37:4.  I know you will want to check out those bible addresses so God can further speak to you!

I AM LIFE AND LIGHT IN ABUNDANCE.  As you spend time "soaking" in My Presence, you are energized and lightened.  Through communing with Me, you transfer your heavy burdens to My strong shoulders.  By gazing at Me, you gain My perspective on your life.  This time alone with Me is essential for unscrambling your thoughts and smoothing out the day before you.

Be willing to fight for this precious time with Me.  Opposition comes in many forms: your own desire to linger in bed; the evil one's determination to distract you from Me; the pressure of family, friends, and your own inner critic to spend your time more productively.  As you grow in your desire to please Me above all else, you gain strength to resist these opponents.  Delight yourself in Me, for I am the deepest Desire of your heart!

Really enjoy this day the Lord has given us and, "Soak up the Son"!


Patty Sumner said...

When we were running the mission, one of the girls who came through used to say this phrase, "the world is just so loud". After she left the mission she continually struggled with her addiction and bad choices. For her, the things of the world overshadowed the things above. The pull was just to strong. As believers, we have to choose daily... do we seek after the "good stuff" or do we allow the things of the world to come in and rob us of the joy fo the Lord? Yes, we have to choose! Choose the things God has in this day for us. Choose the help and guidance of his Word. Choose to allow the Holy Spirit to direct our day and not the World. I want the "good stuff"!!! I dounderstand how "Tanya" feels. We as believers and the Church have allowed the "World" to desensitize us to what the real truth and peace is. Lord, Help me to always trust and follow your ways. Good Word Carolyn! I appreciate that you have chose to follow the way of the Lord!

Bill Rieser said...

Thanks Patty! There is no other life for me:-). The distractions of this world glitter like gold and they are really just imitations for the true treasure. The light of Jesus shines so much brighter....if we would only look to Him...yes we have to choose.

Bill Rieser said...

This iPad is tied to Bill's accounts and comes across as him. This is Carolynn, though:-)