Sunday, March 2, 2014

Here's Your Sign!

One bible verse has been my consistent "go-to" for times of stress and confusion. Isaiah 26:3 says, "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" I woke up thinking of that verse in the middle of the night last night, as I often do, and a picture of the now-famous "Keep Calm" posters and signs came to mind. I thought, if there were ever an appropriate phrase to put on such a sign, it would be, "Keep Calm and Trust God!" I decided to find out more about the history of the little catchy "Keep Calm" phrases.

It just so happens that the original term, "Keep Calm and Carry On" was something the British government came up with in 1939 as a motivational poster intended to raise the morale of the public in the aftermath of widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities several months prior to the Second World War. It wasn't well distributed or publicly displayed back then, but the phrase was resurrected in the year 2000 and has become quite popular now a days (thanks, Wikipedia, for info on almost anything that can be googled!). I think some private companies sell products with such phrases and we see them ever so often on social media sites like Face Book and Pinterest. Yes, the "Stay Calm and _____" phrases have become popular and motivational indeed - so many years after the original posters were created and for different reasons, altogether. I say, if we can motivate people towards good things, then, Carry On!

Now back to my version, or vision, of the poster. I also googled my inspired phrase, and, as I expected, I'm not the first to have thought of it. I was even able to download a picture. It's interesting to me that there is a crown on the top of the sign. I realize why, after reading the history of the poster and discovering that it originated via the British government that is led by royalty. Oh so appropriate in how I envision the sign, also! God, Christ, is the Godhead, the royalty, that is represented at the top of a, "Keep Calm and Trust God" sign. That kind of royalty and the truth of God's Word and His character, which backs up His promise to keep us in perfect peace as we trust in Him and keep our thoughts fixed on Him, is such a powerful WORD picture!
May God's Word be so frequently consumed by us that it motivates our thoughts and actions. May it be written on our hearts and minds and may He remind us that His Lordship is our ever-present companion - even in times of stress and confusion - and beyond. I think we would bode well to remember what God says in His Word. It can motivate us to keep our eyes fixed on Him and not to let our concerns consume us. My pseudo-Message version can be translated, "Keep Calm and Trust God!" Now, there's your sign! It originated from the KING.

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