Friday, July 3, 2015

God's Plan for our Supernatural Life

God created the world. Then He created man. He created a woman to compliment the man. He gave these humans free-will to choose to love and worship Him on their own. The humans chose to rebel against God and left us all in a big messy broken world. (Side Note: We could have had it all, but we chose to fall…story of much human history, unfortunately). In concert with this, God created angels in heaven and to minister to people on earth. One angel, Lucifer, got a little greedy and wanted God's job. God threw him and some other rebellious demons out of heaven. Lucifer is also known as Satan and he and his demons create havoc in our world of confused humans, chaos and sin. God gave them permission to do so until He puts an end to it all. Oh what a tangled web we have woven in this fallen world. Sin separates us from God…but He did….and still does….have a Plan to redeem us. That Plan of redemption can translate into pure LOVE.

So, the only way to atone for the sin of the world and its rebellious people was for God to present a sinless sacrifice to pay for the sins of humans. Jesus, the Son of God and the Savior of the world, is God's redemption plan. Jesus is one of God's trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - three, yet One. It's complicated, but its a Genius plan to bring about the Divine Supernatural in a limited natural world. Jesus came as the Messiah. He taught the love, grace and truth of God and invited disciples to follow Him. Jesus is the Catalyst for every good change in the world because it is only through Him that we can truly know the Father and be forgiven for our sins. He taught His disciples to follow Him so the world would still know about Him after He left the earth. As part of God's redemption plan, Jesus was crucified as a sacrifice for our sins. He rose again in 3 days and proceeded to rally His disciples to be world changers. To help them effect this change, Jesus spent a short time with the disciples and then ascended up into heaven to be with the Father. But He promises to return some day and bring us all to heaven with Him. That is our Hope and Promise. But, God did not leave us alone to figure out how to navigate this fallen world. He left His Word so we could know His heart and His ways and He placed His Holy Spirit within the lives and persons of the disciples and every other person who chooses to put their trust in Jesus Christ and be forgiven for their sins. Again, complicated in a natural sense, but brilliant in a Supernatural sense!

Now, before God sent Jesus to this earth, He used many humans to bring about His plans. God is still in the business of using people to bring about His plans. We read about great heroes of the faith, but we can also be used by God to be great disciples and heroes of the faith. The requirement is saying "Yes" to God, agreeing with Him and following His Son, Jesus Christ. The bonus factor is that His Holy Spirit is still our gift for those who trust Jesus and invite Him to be our LORD and Savior. We are not alone when we become adopted into the family of God. We have the same power within us that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and help us in every way. We are born as part of the natural world, but we are adopted into the Supernatural world of the life of Christ when we choose to live a new life in the forgiveness and power of Christ. Do you think a second birth or being born again is unnatural. Again, it is complicated. It is God's Supernatural way of making us His children. We were children of the world, separated from the life and love of Christ, but He made a Supernatural way for us to be reconciled to Christ and to Himself. Just Brilliant!

One of the great heroes of faith was Moses. In the Old Testament, God recruited this 80 year old man who had floundered his way into the desert of life to be a World Changer. God's people, the Israelites, had been taken into slavery by the cruel Egyptians. Moses was overwhelmed at the prospect of the calling God had on his life. He thought He couldn't do what God was asking, but God gave Him His power to complete the task. It was a hairy ride, but Moses ended up leading the Israelites out of captivity. They were headed to the promised land that God had promised them, but human nature overtook the memories of all the Supernatural miracles that God had demonstrated by delivering His people from bondage. People began to forget the awesomeness of God and look to their own human efforts or to place hope in little false gods to help them on their way. Because of their lack of faith and rebellious attitudes, sin - in short, they wandered around aimlessly in the desert to 40 years. We humans have always made it harder on ourselves than we need to, but we do it because we think we have better ideas than God on how we can get where we need to go. The inner Israelite is alive and well in all of us, still today.

We are bent on thinking we know better than God. Remember that evil little trouble-maker, Satan, and his bothersome little demons? They were the original minions, but not quite as lovable, by any means. Yeah, they are very instrumental in biting at our heels, infecting our minds and influencing our hearts with false dreams and lies. We fall for it all, just like the Israelites did. Because of it, we are in bondage and we keep running around in circles, stuck in our own sin. You would think we could take a history lesson and spiritual inventory to get us on the right track. We could, if we invited the Holy Spirit to have His way in our minds, hearts and lives. Ah yes, that is the rub. We have to surrender our thinking and living into the hands of an Almighty God if we want to be free of sin and reach our promised land. God's people eventually reached their promised land, but Moses messed up and had to turn over the mantle and, consequently and very sadly, never got to see the Promised Land for himself. God used another willing servant to lead His people. Only a few were willing to be led by God. They enacted the promises of God. They chose the Supernatural over the natural. Then, they realized the promises of God.

There are so many other stories in the bible of God using people, all imperfect people, to carry out His plans. Please delve into the pages of life and learn about the goodness of God. Love does win when it is a love that is redeemed through the grace and truth of God. Sometimes it doesn't seem natural, it is difficult to understand and follow, but that is because we are not meant to follow the natural. We are meant to follow the Supernatural.

I leave you with one of my very favorite passages from the bible. Many people quote Jeremiah 29:11 and talk about God's great plan for their lives. They grasp it with both hands and declare that God has a plan for their lives. It is true. God does have a plan for the life of every single person on this earth. That plan is for them to realize the beauty of knowing Him and living their lives for Him. The subsequent verses of Jeremiah 29:12-14 hold the key to the Plan. I love that the Holy Spirit revealed this plan to me. He told me that my own plan did not resemble His plan for me. I think it's safe to say that His plan for us may look way different than our plans for ourselves. Yet, His Plan is a Perfect Plan. His plan is one that brings us out of the bondage of our sin and into beautiful communion with Him. His Plan is that we know Him and walk with Him. His Plan is that we experience the true Joy of the LORD, by surrendering to His Plan and letting Him lead us into the promised land of blessings. There will be sufferings along the way. That is life. But His Plan always includes His Presence. That is more than enough for me. It is also more than enough for you. I pray that we can embrace His Plan and walk in true love and freedom in the wonderful Supernatural life He has for us.

Jeremiah 29:11-14New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.[a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

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