Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Got it?

The 6/29 verse is Matthew 6:29, "yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.". NLT

God is into the small stuff, as much as the big stuff, as this passage illustrates. We are a complex people who worry about things like what to eat and what to wear. Simple creatures, like birds, don't have such worries, yet God provides food for them. He even created them with built-in GPS systems to help them navigate toward warmer weather in the winter. By, the way, I want to put in a request for one of those!

Simple things, like flowers, bloom at just the right time, in just the right temperature. They just do it; no worry involved. Their beauty is often matchless, from no effort of their own...God did all the work. He takes care of them and He will do the same for us.

King Solomon could buy beautiful things, but nothing as beautiful as what the Lord created. All the little details of the birds, and flowers, and people are God's handiwork. If He does such a beautiful job with things that don't matter nearly as much as we do to Him, why are we always stressing? He's got this; He's got us. Got it?!

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