The 6/2 verse of the day is from Eph 6:2, "Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother--this is the first commandment with a promise." (AMP)
The Message version puts it this way, "Children, do what your parents tell you. This is only right. "Honor your father and mother" is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely, "so you will live well and have a long life."
I was just pondering this verse recently. The thought occurred to me, that when a young person thinks they know more than their parents, they probably just haven't lived long enough to know better! I was once the same way. I can remember thinking I was so wise and wonderful in my twenties, then I woke up to reality in my thirties. I think I was playing God, and not very well, up until then. It was as if a light bulb finally got turned on and true wisdom was illuminated. I really felt dumb, though, when I realized how misguided I had been in my earlier immaturity.
I remember how everything in my world changed when I had our daughter. All of a sudden, my perspective and priorities changed. I don't think our children ever realize how much we love them until they have their own children. It's funny how our lives mature, or not, and most of us are well into our thirties, with children of our own, before we realize that our parents were wise; they understood things we could not yet understand. It's a very rare person that gets that early on in life. I know I didn't. But I did get it right, once God's wisdom took root in my heart. I started to realize my parents were precious and that I should honor them, according to God's direction, and because I finally wanted to.
God has given parents a great responsibility for children. Granted, some parents misuse that privilege, and that is inexcusable. I am so sorry for anyone who was mistreated or abandoned by a parent. That pain and healing is in God's hands and He will always be our loving Father, despite what kind of parents we have had or have. I know my parents were not perfect, but they loved me and my sisters above all else and did the best they could to care for us and our needs. I am so grateful to my mom and dad. When I was young, I sort of disregarded their love and wisdom and thought I knew more than they did. I was focused on my life. When I think back about how I disrespected them and their feelings, I am ashamed and sorry for my lack of honor towards them. That eventually changed, and I began to realize just how important parents are. I just wish I had realized that when I was much younger. I might have made them feel much more appreciated and loved. I'm glad my light bulb finally came on and illuminated truth to me. I attribute that to God's wisdom as we turn our lives over to Him. It's like, He really makes us smarter! He shows us how to trade the pride of self for the love of others; it's really an amazing transformation.
Wherever you are in life, or whatever has occurred between you and your parents, ask God how you can honor them. I think that starts in the heart. Giving our feelings to God and letting Him help us reconcile any hurts or scars we have from our parents will help us move forward. When our hearts are pure, we can learn to forgive and love, or at least let go. If at all possible, go with God's plan to honor your parents. I came to esteem and honor my parents and the blessings are all mine. They became precious to me and it made my heart larger, bursting with love for them. Thank you God, for your wisdom. And, thank you, mom and dad, for your love. You will always be precious to me. I love you, mom and dad.
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