Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Avoid A Wipe Out!

The verse for 7:26 is from Matthew 7:26, "But anyone who hears my teachings and ignores it is foolish, like a person who builds his house on sand." NLT

This verse continues a thought we were camped out on a couple of days ago, wherein it says listening to Jesus' teachings is like building a house on solid ground. Today, we are expanding upon that passage to introduce the flip side of listening to Jesus' teachings.

Sand is known to collapse and move with the pressure of water. As life's inevitable storms hit us and threaten to wipe us out, if our house is built on sand, it can easily collapse. It has no foundation to stand upon. As this verse implicates, it's just foolish.

This makes me think of how Jesus was a carpenter before He started His ministry. He went from building structural things to building spiritual strength in His followers. No one can deny, He was, and is, a smart carpenter, despite His project. He knows how to build and is the best One to teach us to do likewise. We would be wise to listen to Him.

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