Sunday, July 17, 2011

That Girl

The verse for 7/17 is from Psalm 7:17, "I'm thanking God, who makes things right. I'm singing the fame of heaven-high God."  MSG

This verse wraps up a Psalm wherein King David had lamented a time of great evil and injustice.  Despite man's unrighteousness, David was confident in yet one thing, God's righteousness.  He knew where his help came from and he knew God would always be the final judge, in every situation.

I think I might be able to come up with a similar psalm today.  The world is full of evil and injustice.  A young woman was just acquitted of the murder of her 3 year old.  Her child had been missing for 31 days before she ever reported her missing.  There is great evidence of foul play, but no clear evidence of who did it.  We all have our opinions and speculations, but that is just what they are.  God knows who did it and final judgement is in His hands.  Our emotions tend to rise in indignation that a child's life was the cost of negligent behavior, at best.  At worst, well, we don't even want to go there.  Everyone else is already speculating.

Now that I have pushed some hot buttons, let me ask you, what do you think would happen to this young woman if she was, indeed, guilty of murder, but came to a point where she asked Jesus to forgive her and committed her life to Him?  As much as many of us cringe at the thought, I can tell you what would happen.  He would forgive her and she would spend eternity in heaven with him, right alongside the child that is already there.  That doesn't seem fair, does it? 

Let's look at another scenario.  What if a girl had sins so great that someone had to die for her to pay the debt of those sins?  What if she ignored what her Savior had done for her for more years than she cared to admit and neglected to accept His love and sacrifice for her?  When she finally came to her senses and realized the truth of the mess her life was in, and the depth of her betrayal, she asked for forgiveness and, even before the words were out of her mouth, her sins were forgiven.  Instead of the death penalty she deserved, she was going to be rewarded with freedom to walk in love for a lifetime, and on the streets of gold for eternity.  Again, it's not really fair that she would be deserving of a pass, is it?  Thank goodness, my Judge doesn't give me what I deserve!  That girl is me, and I'm so glad my God is my ultimate judge.  Even though I've been unrighteous, He is still righteous and He forgives me.

As the NIV translation puts this verse, "I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High."  Without Him, I would be doomed; guilty as charged.  I'm so grateful He has forgiven me and cleansed me of my sin...anyway!

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