Monday, July 11, 2011

Hope Floats

The verse for 7/11 is from Genesis 7:11.  I've included verse 12, also, from the Message, "It was the six-hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month that it happened: all the underground springs erupted and all the windows of Heaven were thrown open. Rain poured for forty days and forty nights."  MSG

Because God considered Noah the only righteous man left on earth, He had instructed Noah to build an ark that would save him and his family from the flood God was going to use to wipe out the earth.  The bible says Noah consistently followed God's will and enjoyed a close relationship with Him.  I guess that is why he didn't blink when the Lord gave him this monumental building project that went on for about a century.

I imagine the scoffers were sure that Noah had lost his mind, when they asked him what he was doing.  After about 10 years of being obedient and continuing to work on the project the Lord had given him, I suppose people just shook their heads and laughed at him.  After about 50 years of building, my guess is they thought there could be no greater fool in all the earth.  Had they still been around after 100 years, when the floods came and Noah and his family floated to safety, I think they might have seen Noah get the last laugh.  However, something tells me this obedient, righteous man was not laughing at those who scoffed at him.  He probably felt much pity and mercy for them because of their destruction.

Do you have a situation in your life where you feel like God is taking His time in bringing about His promises or His blessings?  Are you about to give up, or are you afraid that others will laugh at you for still being consistent and faithful to God's will for you?  Take heart and look at Noah.  You aren't 600 years old, and you probably haven't been waiting 100 years!  You may have been waiting for what seems like 100 years, but know that God will give you all you need to complete the work He began in you.  Keep in close relationship with Him and let Him continue to be your hope for the future.  Haven't you heard?  Hope floats!

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