The verse for 8/31 is Romans 8:31, "What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" NLT
Unless we've been living in a bubble, we are all aware that we have an enemy who is definitely against us. My understanding from this scripture is that, with God on our side, we cannot lose. The next verse goes on to say, "Since God did not spare even His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, won’t God, who gave us Christ, also give us everything else?" Friends, that's powerful! Our God is into making a way for us! He paid the highest price imaginable just so you and I could be with Him forever. After all is said and done, He still wins....and so do we!
Let this verse remind us that, no matter what we are facing, our God is GREATER! Nothing is too monumental for Him to master. He has made us victorious just because of WHO He is. Let's start acting like we believe that!
Click on the title above to hear Chris Tomlin's "Our God is Greater". Go ahead sing out loud:)
Conversation...and coffee...warms the heart. Let's share some! God bless y'all!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hands Lifted High
Today is 8/30 and the verse for this day is from 1 Kings 8:30, "Hear my prayers and the prayers of your people when they face this place and pray. In your home in heaven hear us and forgive us." GNT
With hands lifted high, King Solomon praised and prayed to His God. With great passion, he had built an earthly temple for the Lord; a place to come and honor Him. When it was completed, the glory of the Lord filled the place....what else could Solomon and the Israelites do but praise and pray?!
This timely verse encourages me that, as a church, we are looking in the right direction. The leaders of our church have built a place to honor and glorify God. We yearn for it to be a place worthy of His presence. We invite Him to dwell in our hearts and in our midst as we come together to worship. We are engaged in a 21-day prayer campaign where we are searching our hearts, seeking His face, and praising Him for being our God. We want His glory to fill our individual temple and our corporate temple and to make His presence known in our lives and in our circumstances. As He continues to demonstrate His love and power in our lives and in our church, we can only have one response ...we will stand with our hands lifted high in praise to Him!
With hands lifted high, King Solomon praised and prayed to His God. With great passion, he had built an earthly temple for the Lord; a place to come and honor Him. When it was completed, the glory of the Lord filled the place....what else could Solomon and the Israelites do but praise and pray?!
This timely verse encourages me that, as a church, we are looking in the right direction. The leaders of our church have built a place to honor and glorify God. We yearn for it to be a place worthy of His presence. We invite Him to dwell in our hearts and in our midst as we come together to worship. We are engaged in a 21-day prayer campaign where we are searching our hearts, seeking His face, and praising Him for being our God. We want His glory to fill our individual temple and our corporate temple and to make His presence known in our lives and in our circumstances. As He continues to demonstrate His love and power in our lives and in our church, we can only have one response ...we will stand with our hands lifted high in praise to Him!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Living Under His Influence
The bible verse I'm sharing for 8/29 is from Acts 8:29, "The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and walk along beside the carriage.” NLT
I don't know about you, but I want to be able to hear the Holy Spirit like Philip did. Furthermore, I want to act as quickly and obediently as Philip did. I think Philip is a great example of letting God's Holy Spirit guide us and be used by Him for His purposes. Because Philip ran to do as the Spirit led him, the man in the carriage was saved! If Philip had hesitated to question this prompting or felt embarrassed to do as he was instructed, this story may not have ended in a saved soul and the baptism of the unlikely man who was in the carriage.
This story is one of many conversions of faith represented through the book of Acts. Philip was an evangelist who was eager to tell everyone about the Jesus who rocked his world. Jesus had left his Spirit in believers, so they could be comforted and guided by Him. Obviously, Philip was keenly aware that he had divine guidance.
Friends, the only difference between us and Philip is awareness and obedience. The same Holy Spirit that guided Philip wants to guide you and me. I want to be led and used by the Spirit, more now than ever before. My prayer is that my heart will be completely surrendered to God and His leading. That's my prayer for you, as well. May we live like we have a Savior living within us and not be ashamed to let others see Him in and through us. It could be a life-changer for all of us - not only for eternity, but for the present. Our human shells house an awesome treasure in the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit. I think it's time we start to think, act and live like it. Lord, let us live under your influence.
I don't know about you, but I want to be able to hear the Holy Spirit like Philip did. Furthermore, I want to act as quickly and obediently as Philip did. I think Philip is a great example of letting God's Holy Spirit guide us and be used by Him for His purposes. Because Philip ran to do as the Spirit led him, the man in the carriage was saved! If Philip had hesitated to question this prompting or felt embarrassed to do as he was instructed, this story may not have ended in a saved soul and the baptism of the unlikely man who was in the carriage.
This story is one of many conversions of faith represented through the book of Acts. Philip was an evangelist who was eager to tell everyone about the Jesus who rocked his world. Jesus had left his Spirit in believers, so they could be comforted and guided by Him. Obviously, Philip was keenly aware that he had divine guidance.
Friends, the only difference between us and Philip is awareness and obedience. The same Holy Spirit that guided Philip wants to guide you and me. I want to be led and used by the Spirit, more now than ever before. My prayer is that my heart will be completely surrendered to God and His leading. That's my prayer for you, as well. May we live like we have a Savior living within us and not be ashamed to let others see Him in and through us. It could be a life-changer for all of us - not only for eternity, but for the present. Our human shells house an awesome treasure in the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit. I think it's time we start to think, act and live like it. Lord, let us live under your influence.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Trust me on this
Today is 8/28 and the obvious verse for today is Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." NLT
None of us are exempt from bad things happening to us or our loved ones. I know people who have faced, or are facing, some really tough situations in life. My own life hasn't been problem-free, but I live blessed and grateful today, because I have a God who held me through it all and brought something good out of every tough situation in my life. I know He will do the same for you.
Despite our trials in life, we can be assured that God causes all things to work for good for those of us who love Him. Our pain can be turned into peace if we surrender it to the Prince of Peace. Our mess can be turned into a masterpiece if we let Artist God complete our picture. As Christians, we are God's children and He has a purpose for each and every one of us. I think part of that purpose is to recognize who He is and tell others what He has done in our lives. He is good and He will cause something good to come out of every situation if we just trust Him. How do I know? Trust me - He's given me a lot to tell others.
None of us are exempt from bad things happening to us or our loved ones. I know people who have faced, or are facing, some really tough situations in life. My own life hasn't been problem-free, but I live blessed and grateful today, because I have a God who held me through it all and brought something good out of every tough situation in my life. I know He will do the same for you.
Despite our trials in life, we can be assured that God causes all things to work for good for those of us who love Him. Our pain can be turned into peace if we surrender it to the Prince of Peace. Our mess can be turned into a masterpiece if we let Artist God complete our picture. As Christians, we are God's children and He has a purpose for each and every one of us. I think part of that purpose is to recognize who He is and tell others what He has done in our lives. He is good and He will cause something good to come out of every situation if we just trust Him. How do I know? Trust me - He's given me a lot to tell others.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Be Amazed!
The verse for 8/27 is from Matthew 8:27, "Everyone was amazed. What kind of man is this? they said. Even the winds and the waves obey him!" GNT
Storms threaten our lives from time to time. Right now, there are winds and waves roaring along the eastern seaboard as Hurricane Irene barrels in - uninvited. Right now, there are people who may feel like they have their own virtual hurricane crashing in around them. They don't have to be on the East Coast to experience a horrendous storm. They may be in the mid-west, the south-west, or the deep south. None of us are exempt and storms come from time to time - again, uninvited.
It's what we do in the midst of our storms that determines how we will get through them. I believe this passage was intended to represent the power Jesus has to calm the storms in our life. The disciples where threatened by a storm. They were afraid and they called on Jesus to save them from peril. Jesus had only to rebuke the waves and wind and suddenly everything was calm. We can do the same. We don't have to be afraid. We can call on our Savior to still the waters and calm our storms. Much like the disciples, I think we will be amazed at Christ's display of power when we invite Him into the storms of our life.
Storms threaten our lives from time to time. Right now, there are winds and waves roaring along the eastern seaboard as Hurricane Irene barrels in - uninvited. Right now, there are people who may feel like they have their own virtual hurricane crashing in around them. They don't have to be on the East Coast to experience a horrendous storm. They may be in the mid-west, the south-west, or the deep south. None of us are exempt and storms come from time to time - again, uninvited.
It's what we do in the midst of our storms that determines how we will get through them. I believe this passage was intended to represent the power Jesus has to calm the storms in our life. The disciples where threatened by a storm. They were afraid and they called on Jesus to save them from peril. Jesus had only to rebuke the waves and wind and suddenly everything was calm. We can do the same. We don't have to be afraid. We can call on our Savior to still the waters and calm our storms. Much like the disciples, I think we will be amazed at Christ's display of power when we invite Him into the storms of our life.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Prayer by Osmosis
The verse for 8/26 is from Romans 8:26, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." NIV
Have you ever tried to pray, or wanted to pray, but just didn't know how to express yourself? I'll admit, I've been there. I treasure times when my heart is in such surrendered accord with my Lord, that no words are necessary. Not that I don't want to talk to God, but that His spirit, in me, has already ushered my words to the heart of my Father. I'm not sure what kind of osmosis that is...but I totally desire to experience the fullness it brings to my soul. Besides, God's vocabulary is so much better than my own. And it strikes me that, when you are the WORD, it sort of negates the necessity of using them!
Lord, never let me stop communing with you in prayer, but keep my mouth shut and my mind quieted long enough to trust that your Holy Spirit within me can take over when I've got nothing. Empty me out Lord, so I may be filled with You. As the Amy Grant song says, "That's better than a Hallelujah!"
Have you ever tried to pray, or wanted to pray, but just didn't know how to express yourself? I'll admit, I've been there. I treasure times when my heart is in such surrendered accord with my Lord, that no words are necessary. Not that I don't want to talk to God, but that His spirit, in me, has already ushered my words to the heart of my Father. I'm not sure what kind of osmosis that is...but I totally desire to experience the fullness it brings to my soul. Besides, God's vocabulary is so much better than my own. And it strikes me that, when you are the WORD, it sort of negates the necessity of using them!
Lord, never let me stop communing with you in prayer, but keep my mouth shut and my mind quieted long enough to trust that your Holy Spirit within me can take over when I've got nothing. Empty me out Lord, so I may be filled with You. As the Amy Grant song says, "That's better than a Hallelujah!"
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
He won't let us go down!
I want to share a passage from the Message for 8/24 and 8/25. Matthew 8:23-25 says, "Then he got in the boat, his disciples with him. The next thing they knew, they were in a severe storm. Waves were crashing into the boat—and he was sound asleep! They roused him, pleading, "Master, save us! We're going down!"
The disciples were in a storm and they panicked...with Jesus right in the boat with them. We've all done the same, haven't we? When storms rock our world, the first inclination is to panic. We tend to forget that, as Christ followers, Jesus is with us.
The disciples still knew where to turn for help, when the storm hit. They called on Jesus and He heard their cry. Storms can literally rock our world, but when we call out to Jesus, He hears us and He comes to our rescue. He may calm the storm, or He may just hold His children until we get through it. Either way, I am assured that He won't let us go down if we call on him and hold on to Him with all of our strength.
"Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory." Psalm 50:15
The disciples were in a storm and they panicked...with Jesus right in the boat with them. We've all done the same, haven't we? When storms rock our world, the first inclination is to panic. We tend to forget that, as Christ followers, Jesus is with us.
The disciples still knew where to turn for help, when the storm hit. They called on Jesus and He heard their cry. Storms can literally rock our world, but when we call out to Jesus, He hears us and He comes to our rescue. He may calm the storm, or He may just hold His children until we get through it. Either way, I am assured that He won't let us go down if we call on him and hold on to Him with all of our strength.
"Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory." Psalm 50:15
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
We hear you, Lord!
On 8/23 I want to share a couple of verses. They are very special to me and remind me that our God is ever-present and ever-caring!
And he prayed, “O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion." 1 Kings 8:23 - NLT
"So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer."
Ezra 8:23 - NLT
All I can say is, "I hear you Lord...I'm listening!" He has reminded us, with these two very timely verses, that He is in control. Yesterday, we started an unplanned 21-day prayer campaign at our church. In bold faith and belief in a God who owns everything, we are seeking Him in prayer to change our hearts. A week ago, we were making our plans. Today, God is ordering our steps. It is obvious that His plan doesn't always look like ours - it is so much better!
He is above all things, Lord of all, Maker of heaven and earth! We humbley give Him our full devotion and leave the results up to Him.
And he prayed, “O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion." 1 Kings 8:23 - NLT
"So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer."
Ezra 8:23 - NLT
All I can say is, "I hear you Lord...I'm listening!" He has reminded us, with these two very timely verses, that He is in control. Yesterday, we started an unplanned 21-day prayer campaign at our church. In bold faith and belief in a God who owns everything, we are seeking Him in prayer to change our hearts. A week ago, we were making our plans. Today, God is ordering our steps. It is obvious that His plan doesn't always look like ours - it is so much better!
He is above all things, Lord of all, Maker of heaven and earth! We humbley give Him our full devotion and leave the results up to Him.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Don't be left in the dark
Today and tomorrow, 8/21 and 8/22, I'm using a Message passage from Isaiah 8:19-22 as the verses for these days. It suggests that sometimes people put their hopes in things of this world, rather than trusting completely in God and His word. But, looking to dark sources can only leave us in the dark.
"When people tell you, "Try out the fortunetellers. Consult the spiritualists. Why not tap into the spirit-world, get in touch with the dead?" Tell them, "No, we're going to study the Scriptures." People who try the other ways get nowhere—a dead end! Frustrated and famished, they try one thing after another. When nothing works out they get angry, cursing first this god and then that one, looking this way and that, up, down, and sideways—and seeing nothing, A blank wall, an empty hole. They end up in the dark with nothing." MSG
The NLT puts verse 21 this way, "My people will be led away as captives, weary and hungry. And because they are hungry, they will rage and shake their fists at heaven and curse their king and their God." In other words, it's a trap; a trap of this world and an enemy who wants us to do anything but look to God for our present and future. Satan lures us with things that are not of God. We will never be satisfied with these things because they are based on lies and darkness, rather than God's truth and light. It baffles me how we fall for these schemes again and again, and then get mad at the true God when we are disappointed and come up empty in life. Why would we ever look to the author of lies for truth? Why would we be tempted by things like astrology and new-age theories? Do we think they can give us a future better than God's promises?
God wants us to resist such darkness and rely on His Word for our future. I don't believe in fortune tellers and crystal balls, but this I can predict: those who trust in Jesus will live forever with Him in eternity. No other source can give me that security and no other source can take it away from me. God knows my past, my present and my future. Looking to the light of the world will ensure that we are never left in the dark.
"When people tell you, "Try out the fortunetellers. Consult the spiritualists. Why not tap into the spirit-world, get in touch with the dead?" Tell them, "No, we're going to study the Scriptures." People who try the other ways get nowhere—a dead end! Frustrated and famished, they try one thing after another. When nothing works out they get angry, cursing first this god and then that one, looking this way and that, up, down, and sideways—and seeing nothing, A blank wall, an empty hole. They end up in the dark with nothing." MSG
The NLT puts verse 21 this way, "My people will be led away as captives, weary and hungry. And because they are hungry, they will rage and shake their fists at heaven and curse their king and their God." In other words, it's a trap; a trap of this world and an enemy who wants us to do anything but look to God for our present and future. Satan lures us with things that are not of God. We will never be satisfied with these things because they are based on lies and darkness, rather than God's truth and light. It baffles me how we fall for these schemes again and again, and then get mad at the true God when we are disappointed and come up empty in life. Why would we ever look to the author of lies for truth? Why would we be tempted by things like astrology and new-age theories? Do we think they can give us a future better than God's promises?
God wants us to resist such darkness and rely on His Word for our future. I don't believe in fortune tellers and crystal balls, but this I can predict: those who trust in Jesus will live forever with Him in eternity. No other source can give me that security and no other source can take it away from me. God knows my past, my present and my future. Looking to the light of the world will ensure that we are never left in the dark.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
On 8/20 we are taking a look at Proverbs 8:20, "I walk in the way of righteousness, on the paths of justice," GW
This verse is part of a passage that is referring to wisdom. King Solomon is writing about the virtues of wisdom and how it can benefit your earthly walk and your spiritual awareness. According to scripture, wisdom is many things and we would be well-served to seek it whole-heartedly. Wisdom will help us make right decisions in this life and help us have an eternal perspective in our journey. I cannot imagine why any of us would not pursue and embrace wisdom.
The truth about wisdom is that it comes from God. He wants to give us the gift of wisdom so we can know Him and His truth. Wisdom reveals the character of God and draws us closer to Him. When we are wise to His truth, we are wise indeed. I want that whole-heartedly. Don't you?
This verse is part of a passage that is referring to wisdom. King Solomon is writing about the virtues of wisdom and how it can benefit your earthly walk and your spiritual awareness. According to scripture, wisdom is many things and we would be well-served to seek it whole-heartedly. Wisdom will help us make right decisions in this life and help us have an eternal perspective in our journey. I cannot imagine why any of us would not pursue and embrace wisdom.
The truth about wisdom is that it comes from God. He wants to give us the gift of wisdom so we can know Him and His truth. Wisdom reveals the character of God and draws us closer to Him. When we are wise to His truth, we are wise indeed. I want that whole-heartedly. Don't you?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Exponential Power
Today is 8/19 and the verse I've chosen is a continuation of yesterday's passage. Mark 8:19 says, "When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets did you fill with leftover pieces?They told him, “Twelve.” GW
God shouldn't have to remind us that He has been perfectly capable of handling situations in our past and can do the same in the present and in the future. Yet, our human condition causes us to have spiritual amnesia. The Israelite in all of us rises up to take matters into our own hands because we suddenly think God has taken His eye off the ball. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our God never takes his eye off of His children. Even when we face trials, we can trust that He is with us and He cares.
Today's world is in financial chaos, but we can bank on this - Our God is with us and He will walk with us through whatever valley we are in. I heard a Christian speaker on the radio this morning say this, "Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is how you act while you're waiting." The Israelites blew it. They grew impatient and forgot that God wanted them to look to Him, and not themselves, for their provision. Their impulsiveness caused them to stay stuck for a long time. God doesn't want us making the same mistakes they did. He wants us to look to Him, with complete surrender, and leave the outcome of our circumstances completely to Him. He is indeed able to do exceedingly more than we could ever hope or imagine.
When we consider that God specializes in multiplying on the curve, it seems a little silly to think that He cannot take what little we have and move in exponential power. That little that we have doesn't involve only finances. More importantly, it involves faith. When we deposit our hearts and our trust into His hands, we leave the math in His hands also. In little and in plenty, His exponential power will be enough.
God shouldn't have to remind us that He has been perfectly capable of handling situations in our past and can do the same in the present and in the future. Yet, our human condition causes us to have spiritual amnesia. The Israelite in all of us rises up to take matters into our own hands because we suddenly think God has taken His eye off the ball. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our God never takes his eye off of His children. Even when we face trials, we can trust that He is with us and He cares.
Today's world is in financial chaos, but we can bank on this - Our God is with us and He will walk with us through whatever valley we are in. I heard a Christian speaker on the radio this morning say this, "Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is how you act while you're waiting." The Israelites blew it. They grew impatient and forgot that God wanted them to look to Him, and not themselves, for their provision. Their impulsiveness caused them to stay stuck for a long time. God doesn't want us making the same mistakes they did. He wants us to look to Him, with complete surrender, and leave the outcome of our circumstances completely to Him. He is indeed able to do exceedingly more than we could ever hope or imagine.
When we consider that God specializes in multiplying on the curve, it seems a little silly to think that He cannot take what little we have and move in exponential power. That little that we have doesn't involve only finances. More importantly, it involves faith. When we deposit our hearts and our trust into His hands, we leave the math in His hands also. In little and in plenty, His exponential power will be enough.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Mark 8:18 is the verse for 8/18, "You have eyes—can’t you see? You have ears—can’t you hear? Don’t you remember anything at all?" NLT
This is not the first time the Lord asked this direct question. He had to ask it in Jer 5:21, and here Jesus is asking it again of His disciples. In modern day lingo, I think it would sound something like, "Hello? Do you remember who I am?" He may even be thinking the same thing and shaking His head as we even dare to go there again today. What makes me think so? I'm human and my way of thinking is often flawed. We have a way of doubting God, even after He has provided for us time and time again, even though He loves us beyond reason.
The disciples saw the love of Jesus first-hand. They saw miracles of provision and healing, yet they could not seem to see and hear that it was more about Jesus, Himself, than the things He did. If they had genuinely grasped the character of the Giver, their focus may have been more on Him and less on the gifts He gave. Yet, those guys aren't much different from you or I. God has given us great evidence of His all-knowing, all-powerful character. But, sometimes, we still doubt that He cares, that He will take care of us. Don't we remember anything at all?
I'm reflecting on all Jesus has done for me today. I'm also reflecting on who He is. Great hope and comfort comes in knowing that He always was, is and will be. He never changes and I hope I never forget that.
This is not the first time the Lord asked this direct question. He had to ask it in Jer 5:21, and here Jesus is asking it again of His disciples. In modern day lingo, I think it would sound something like, "Hello? Do you remember who I am?" He may even be thinking the same thing and shaking His head as we even dare to go there again today. What makes me think so? I'm human and my way of thinking is often flawed. We have a way of doubting God, even after He has provided for us time and time again, even though He loves us beyond reason.
The disciples saw the love of Jesus first-hand. They saw miracles of provision and healing, yet they could not seem to see and hear that it was more about Jesus, Himself, than the things He did. If they had genuinely grasped the character of the Giver, their focus may have been more on Him and less on the gifts He gave. Yet, those guys aren't much different from you or I. God has given us great evidence of His all-knowing, all-powerful character. But, sometimes, we still doubt that He cares, that He will take care of us. Don't we remember anything at all?
I'm reflecting on all Jesus has done for me today. I'm also reflecting on who He is. Great hope and comfort comes in knowing that He always was, is and will be. He never changes and I hope I never forget that.
Monday, August 15, 2011
What's Next, Papa?!
The book of Romans is just too rich...I absolutely LOVE it! I am taking advantage of this 8th month - August - to share one of my favorite chapters in the bible and parlay many of the gems therein. For 8/15, 8/16 and 8/17, let's check out how the Message communicates Romans 8:15-17:
"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!"
What if we really lived like this; like God wants us to? What if we woke up expectantly every day with a childlike, "What's next, Papa?" I imagine our lives would be radically different. I imagine we would experience relationship with our God on a much deeper and intimate level. I imagine it would be awesome!
Here's a thought...let's do it! Let's greet our Father with expectancy each morning, walk in His presence daily, and bask in how much He loves us as He tucks us in at night. He's the King and we are His children. There is absolutely nothing more exciting than that. Will you join me in saying, "What's next, Papa?!"
"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!"
What if we really lived like this; like God wants us to? What if we woke up expectantly every day with a childlike, "What's next, Papa?" I imagine our lives would be radically different. I imagine we would experience relationship with our God on a much deeper and intimate level. I imagine it would be awesome!
Here's a thought...let's do it! Let's greet our Father with expectancy each morning, walk in His presence daily, and bask in how much He loves us as He tucks us in at night. He's the King and we are His children. There is absolutely nothing more exciting than that. Will you join me in saying, "What's next, Papa?!"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Things to do and places to go!
Romans 8:12-14 says exactly what is on my heart for 8/13 and 8/14. Take a look at the Message version:
"So don't you see that we don't owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There's nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go." MSG
I give that passage a resounding "Amen!" This is my soapbox, if you will, and I think understanding and living out this truth is key to living a surrendered life in our Lord. When He comes into the equation of our life, his Holy Spirit trumps anything we used to believe about ourselves and who we used to be. If we are to believe God's word - and I do - we know that He calls us someone new. We are not the old person. In Christ, we are someone new; a new creature, with new and right desires.
While we may be someone new, we have to believe it and learn to walk in that new identity. Without that adjustment in our thought and actions, we will continue to believe the lies Satan has told us for so long. Renewing our minds through spending time with God, reading and studying His Word, praying and asking God to change us, helps us live as God intends us to. We don't have to live like we used to. Jesus died so we wouldn't have to!
So why do we hang on to old hurts , habits and hang-ups? God's Spirit shows us a better way. It's time to leave the old self behind, where it belongs, and believe we are who God says we are. As new creations, we've got things to do and places to go.
"So don't you see that we don't owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There's nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go." MSG
I give that passage a resounding "Amen!" This is my soapbox, if you will, and I think understanding and living out this truth is key to living a surrendered life in our Lord. When He comes into the equation of our life, his Holy Spirit trumps anything we used to believe about ourselves and who we used to be. If we are to believe God's word - and I do - we know that He calls us someone new. We are not the old person. In Christ, we are someone new; a new creature, with new and right desires.
While we may be someone new, we have to believe it and learn to walk in that new identity. Without that adjustment in our thought and actions, we will continue to believe the lies Satan has told us for so long. Renewing our minds through spending time with God, reading and studying His Word, praying and asking God to change us, helps us live as God intends us to. We don't have to live like we used to. Jesus died so we wouldn't have to!
So why do we hang on to old hurts , habits and hang-ups? God's Spirit shows us a better way. It's time to leave the old self behind, where it belongs, and believe we are who God says we are. As new creations, we've got things to do and places to go.
Friday, August 12, 2011
The verse I have chosen for 8/12 is Hebrews 8:12, "And I will forgive their wrongdoings, and I will never again remember their sins.". NLT
Isn't it reassuring to know that we have a Savior that not only forgives our sins, but forgets them as well?! That is what Jesus does for us when we put our trust in Him and humbly confess our sins and ask Him to forgive us. He says, "YES!"
I want to be in that grace-filled kind of relationship and covenant with my Lord. I know that if I am faithful to confess, He is even more faithful to forgive. To that, I can only say "YES", as well.
Isn't it reassuring to know that we have a Savior that not only forgives our sins, but forgets them as well?! That is what Jesus does for us when we put our trust in Him and humbly confess our sins and ask Him to forgive us. He says, "YES!"
I want to be in that grace-filled kind of relationship and covenant with my Lord. I know that if I am faithful to confess, He is even more faithful to forgive. To that, I can only say "YES", as well.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Today is 8/11 and the verse for the day is Isaiah 8:11, "The Lord has said to me in the strongest terms: 'Do not think like everyone else does." NLT
Although Isaiah is speaking of a word given to him by the Lord, I could say, "Ditto!" I think God would say this to any one of us who have ears that are willing to hear. God's word is full of scripture that tells us not to adhere to the ways of the world, but to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Doing so makes such a difference in the way we live.
Everyone one else thinks our answers in life are found in the world. God says our answers are found in Him. If we watch the news channels or read the headlines of our current culture we will hear any number of talking heads suggesting their remedies for whatever ails us. The world is a mess and it just keeps getting messier. We made the mess and we're arrogant enough to think we can fix it. I don't know about you, but that looks a little like insanity to me.
I am 100% sure that my God doesn't want me to think like everyone else. He wants me to have the mind of Christ; to think like Him. The world would have us lean on our own understanding, but God says we are to trust in Him. I want to stand up for God and stand out to God; to be recognised by Him as the one who follows Him, and not the world. I don't want to be like everyone else. Do you?
Although Isaiah is speaking of a word given to him by the Lord, I could say, "Ditto!" I think God would say this to any one of us who have ears that are willing to hear. God's word is full of scripture that tells us not to adhere to the ways of the world, but to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Doing so makes such a difference in the way we live.
Everyone one else thinks our answers in life are found in the world. God says our answers are found in Him. If we watch the news channels or read the headlines of our current culture we will hear any number of talking heads suggesting their remedies for whatever ails us. The world is a mess and it just keeps getting messier. We made the mess and we're arrogant enough to think we can fix it. I don't know about you, but that looks a little like insanity to me.
I am 100% sure that my God doesn't want me to think like everyone else. He wants me to have the mind of Christ; to think like Him. The world would have us lean on our own understanding, but God says we are to trust in Him. I want to stand up for God and stand out to God; to be recognised by Him as the one who follows Him, and not the world. I don't want to be like everyone else. Do you?
The Life For Me
The verse for 8/10 is from Romans 8:10, "But if Christ lives in you, the Spirit is life for you because you have been put right with God, even though your bodies are going to die because of sin." GNT
I've heard it said that two things are certain, death and taxes. I don't know about taxes, but I have never met a human that lives on earth. Our physical bodies are guaranteed to give out. But, for Christ followers, that is not the end. Our belief in Christ, and His Spirit who lives in us, takes us from death into life; life everlasting.
Just because we sometimes don't experience the spiritual realm in the same sense that we do the physical realm, we have a hard time understanding it. Yet, the Spirit of God, within us, is the source from which we gain understanding. He is our life, both here on earth and forever in heaven. Our bodies will indeed pass away, but, for believers, our spirits will pass forever into heaven to be with our God. That's the life for me.
I've heard it said that two things are certain, death and taxes. I don't know about taxes, but I have never met a human that lives on earth. Our physical bodies are guaranteed to give out. But, for Christ followers, that is not the end. Our belief in Christ, and His Spirit who lives in us, takes us from death into life; life everlasting.
Just because we sometimes don't experience the spiritual realm in the same sense that we do the physical realm, we have a hard time understanding it. Yet, the Spirit of God, within us, is the source from which we gain understanding. He is our life, both here on earth and forever in heaven. Our bodies will indeed pass away, but, for believers, our spirits will pass forever into heaven to be with our God. That's the life for me.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Worship His Majesty!
The verse for 8/9 is Psalm 8:9, "LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" NIV
Even the name of our Lord is wonderful! His power and might fills the earth. He created the heavens and the earth. If we had a clear understanding of just who He is and what He has already done for us, we would be awestruck. We should be.
Let's look at how our Lord qualifies for such dubious honor. Majesty is described as sovereign power, authority, or dignity...check! Another description says majesty is greatness or splendour of quality or character...check! To be majestic is to have or exhibit majesty...check! Yes, I think our Lord not only qualifies, but He IS majesty; He IS majestic. His very name has more authority and splendour than we can fully comprehend. I believe that with all my heart and I fully worship Him and His Majesty!
Even the name of our Lord is wonderful! His power and might fills the earth. He created the heavens and the earth. If we had a clear understanding of just who He is and what He has already done for us, we would be awestruck. We should be.
Let's look at how our Lord qualifies for such dubious honor. Majesty is described as sovereign power, authority, or dignity...check! Another description says majesty is greatness or splendour of quality or character...check! To be majestic is to have or exhibit majesty...check! Yes, I think our Lord not only qualifies, but He IS majesty; He IS majestic. His very name has more authority and splendour than we can fully comprehend. I believe that with all my heart and I fully worship Him and His Majesty!
Monday, August 8, 2011
History Lessons
The verse for 8/8 is Job 8:8, "Just ask the previous generation. Pay attention to the experience of our ancestors." NLT
Job's friends may not have had a lot of wisdom in Job's situation, but this verse was an exception. Not for the reasons they were presenting, but, in general, it is wise to look at the history of previous generations. We tend to repeat mistakes. The Israelites did it over and over. While I am not of Jewish descent, I can certainly relate to repeating mistakes like the Israelites did.
God has been so good and faithful to me, yet there are times when I forget just how good He is. I tend to become stubborn and try to do things my own way. I'll walk with Him for some time and then I'll try to walk ahead of Him, or not follow where He leads me. I think I would be wise to look at previous generations and learn from their mistakes. Job might have been blameless, but I'm not that innocent. Maybe I should take his friends' advice for my own good and learn from it. It could help me from making a few mistakes of my own.
Job's friends may not have had a lot of wisdom in Job's situation, but this verse was an exception. Not for the reasons they were presenting, but, in general, it is wise to look at the history of previous generations. We tend to repeat mistakes. The Israelites did it over and over. While I am not of Jewish descent, I can certainly relate to repeating mistakes like the Israelites did.
God has been so good and faithful to me, yet there are times when I forget just how good He is. I tend to become stubborn and try to do things my own way. I'll walk with Him for some time and then I'll try to walk ahead of Him, or not follow where He leads me. I think I would be wise to look at previous generations and learn from their mistakes. Job might have been blameless, but I'm not that innocent. Maybe I should take his friends' advice for my own good and learn from it. It could help me from making a few mistakes of my own.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
You'll know it when you see it
The verse for 8/7 is from Song of Solomon 8:7, "Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned." NLT
There are not a whole lot of verses from Song of Solomon that I would venture to elaborate on. This book is pretty passionate and involves a lot of honest dialogue concerning romance and marital love. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, pinned the lyrics in this poetic book, but God gave Solomon his wisdom and God allows us to see glimpses of His perfect love for us through these passages. I'm certainly no expert at understanding or explaining godly love...but I want to be. I'm pretty sure that the kind of love God has for us, and wants us to have for Him and for each other, is inexpressible in human terms. But I heard a very humble and wise man say once, "You'll know it when you see it." I think he was right.
Love is bigger than explanation. It can be seen, felt, and heard, but not often explained. The only way we can truly know how to love and be loved is through experiencing the love of our God. Even then, our human minds and bodies have a hard time wrapping our arms around this thing called love. God's Holy Spirit is the lens through which we get a glimpse of love. When we accept the love of Jesus and enter into a true relationship with Him, His Holy Spirit lives within us. It is only through Him that love can grow and illuminate our senses. Does that sound natural? It's anything is purely supernatural. But we will know it when we see it, if we use the proper lenses.
All I know is that love is a word and an emotion that gets thrown around a lot, but is much less likely to be grasped and understood. God created us to experience true love. It's bigger than all of us combined. I want to learn how to love like God wants me to love. That not only means loving Him and those that are easy to love. It also means loving those that are less easy to love. But that is what our wise and wonderful God has called us to do. I think if we can get past what we want to do, and surrender to what He wants to do in and through us, we might begin to experience His kind of love.
My kind of love is so limited. God's love is perfect. As I spend time with Him and study His character and His ways, God teaches me more and more about real love. I'm learning day by day, minute by minute. Knowing God, is loving Him. Knowing God better, is loving Him better. Knowing God completely, is loving Him completely. That's what I'm aiming for. Am I there? No, but through His Holy lenses, I'm beginning to know love when I see it. And when I see it, God is always right in the middle of it.
There are not a whole lot of verses from Song of Solomon that I would venture to elaborate on. This book is pretty passionate and involves a lot of honest dialogue concerning romance and marital love. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, pinned the lyrics in this poetic book, but God gave Solomon his wisdom and God allows us to see glimpses of His perfect love for us through these passages. I'm certainly no expert at understanding or explaining godly love...but I want to be. I'm pretty sure that the kind of love God has for us, and wants us to have for Him and for each other, is inexpressible in human terms. But I heard a very humble and wise man say once, "You'll know it when you see it." I think he was right.
Love is bigger than explanation. It can be seen, felt, and heard, but not often explained. The only way we can truly know how to love and be loved is through experiencing the love of our God. Even then, our human minds and bodies have a hard time wrapping our arms around this thing called love. God's Holy Spirit is the lens through which we get a glimpse of love. When we accept the love of Jesus and enter into a true relationship with Him, His Holy Spirit lives within us. It is only through Him that love can grow and illuminate our senses. Does that sound natural? It's anything is purely supernatural. But we will know it when we see it, if we use the proper lenses.
All I know is that love is a word and an emotion that gets thrown around a lot, but is much less likely to be grasped and understood. God created us to experience true love. It's bigger than all of us combined. I want to learn how to love like God wants me to love. That not only means loving Him and those that are easy to love. It also means loving those that are less easy to love. But that is what our wise and wonderful God has called us to do. I think if we can get past what we want to do, and surrender to what He wants to do in and through us, we might begin to experience His kind of love.
My kind of love is so limited. God's love is perfect. As I spend time with Him and study His character and His ways, God teaches me more and more about real love. I'm learning day by day, minute by minute. Knowing God, is loving Him. Knowing God better, is loving Him better. Knowing God completely, is loving Him completely. That's what I'm aiming for. Am I there? No, but through His Holy lenses, I'm beginning to know love when I see it. And when I see it, God is always right in the middle of it.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Perfect Timing for Praise and Prayer
For 8/5 and 8/6, I'm sharing Nehemiah 8:5-6, "Ezra opened the book. Every eye was on him (he was standing on the raised platform) and as he opened the book everyone stood. Then Ezra praised God, the great God, and all the people responded, "Oh Yes! Yes!" with hands raised high. And then they fell to their knees in worship of God, their faces to the ground." MSG
Jerusalem had been broken, physically and spiritually. Nehemiah was burdened to rebuild in both realms. After rebuilding the walls of the city, he turns to bringing real life into it, through spiritual renewal. As the priest, Ezra, translates and explains the long neglected word of God to the people of the city, a light bulb comes on and revival breaks out. People start confessing their sins and worshipping God. They become resolved to bring the nation's wayward conduct in line with their covenant relationship with God.
In God's perfect wisdom and timing, there is a national call to prayer tomorrow, August 6th, in our own country. The Governor of Texas issued an invitation for others to join his state in calling out to our God in prayer for the problems that plague our individual states and our country. I could not be more supportive of this symbol of surrender and cry for help to the One who holds the world in His hands. I've written about this before and mentioned how this call to prayer has met with much criticism. I just have to shake my head at the utter confusion the enemy has caused in the minds of people.
Our world has become so confused, that people who are calling on God to heal this land are called radical extremist. The people who are coming together for prayer are not hurting anyone; they are just seeking God's hand in our problems. I can see why this would be threatening to the devil. Right now, he's watching the leaders of this country run around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to come up with human solutions for human problems. What a novel idea for someone to suggest that we come together in prayer and seek answers from God. No wonder the devil is shaking is his boots and shaking up our world. He is really afraid that we will tap into the one thing that can defeat him...God's power.
Just like the people in the book of Nehemiah, we can rebuild our country. We can turn to God for our help and recognise His power to heal our lives and our situations. Some have said that this call to prayer is divisive. Their purpose for saying so was to be politically correct and adhere to this world's view of universal acceptance of anything. For very different reasons, I have to agree that the very nature of the cross is divisive. You see, the cross of Jesus, it's cause, and it's victory over sin and death, will always demand that people either accept this Jesus who died for them, or reject Him. Yet, we have to choose to be with Him or against Him.
I stand with those the world has labeled extremists. I'm an extremely blessed child of an extremely powerful God. I will call on His name and believe that only He has the power to save us from ourselves and our enemies. This is the perfect time to pray that He will hear from His people and heal us, and our land. As they did in the book of Nehemiah, we can become people who are resolved to bring this nation's wayward conduct in line with our covenant relationship with God, our Creator. This is a perfect time for God to revive His people and this country. Let our response be "Yes!" Let's stand together in prayer and praise and watch God move.
Jerusalem had been broken, physically and spiritually. Nehemiah was burdened to rebuild in both realms. After rebuilding the walls of the city, he turns to bringing real life into it, through spiritual renewal. As the priest, Ezra, translates and explains the long neglected word of God to the people of the city, a light bulb comes on and revival breaks out. People start confessing their sins and worshipping God. They become resolved to bring the nation's wayward conduct in line with their covenant relationship with God.
In God's perfect wisdom and timing, there is a national call to prayer tomorrow, August 6th, in our own country. The Governor of Texas issued an invitation for others to join his state in calling out to our God in prayer for the problems that plague our individual states and our country. I could not be more supportive of this symbol of surrender and cry for help to the One who holds the world in His hands. I've written about this before and mentioned how this call to prayer has met with much criticism. I just have to shake my head at the utter confusion the enemy has caused in the minds of people.
Our world has become so confused, that people who are calling on God to heal this land are called radical extremist. The people who are coming together for prayer are not hurting anyone; they are just seeking God's hand in our problems. I can see why this would be threatening to the devil. Right now, he's watching the leaders of this country run around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to come up with human solutions for human problems. What a novel idea for someone to suggest that we come together in prayer and seek answers from God. No wonder the devil is shaking is his boots and shaking up our world. He is really afraid that we will tap into the one thing that can defeat him...God's power.
Just like the people in the book of Nehemiah, we can rebuild our country. We can turn to God for our help and recognise His power to heal our lives and our situations. Some have said that this call to prayer is divisive. Their purpose for saying so was to be politically correct and adhere to this world's view of universal acceptance of anything. For very different reasons, I have to agree that the very nature of the cross is divisive. You see, the cross of Jesus, it's cause, and it's victory over sin and death, will always demand that people either accept this Jesus who died for them, or reject Him. Yet, we have to choose to be with Him or against Him.
I stand with those the world has labeled extremists. I'm an extremely blessed child of an extremely powerful God. I will call on His name and believe that only He has the power to save us from ourselves and our enemies. This is the perfect time to pray that He will hear from His people and heal us, and our land. As they did in the book of Nehemiah, we can become people who are resolved to bring this nation's wayward conduct in line with our covenant relationship with God, our Creator. This is a perfect time for God to revive His people and this country. Let our response be "Yes!" Let's stand together in prayer and praise and watch God move.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Big Love
The daily verse for 8/4 is Psalm 8:4, "what are human beings, that you think of them; mere mortals, that you care for them?" GNT
In this psalm, David is recognising and praising our God, who created people to rule over His creation. To think that the mighty all-powerful God of the universe thinks of us and cares so much for us is sometimes mind-boggling. David was right. Who are we? We are the ones He loves. How very blessed we are.
The Message translation says this so beautifully, starting with verse 3 and continuing through verse 4, "I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?
That's pretty poetic, but it's not justice. No, we get way more from our Creator than we deserve. Though we are small, His love for us is oh so BIG!
In this psalm, David is recognising and praising our God, who created people to rule over His creation. To think that the mighty all-powerful God of the universe thinks of us and cares so much for us is sometimes mind-boggling. David was right. Who are we? We are the ones He loves. How very blessed we are.
The Message translation says this so beautifully, starting with verse 3 and continuing through verse 4, "I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?
That's pretty poetic, but it's not justice. No, we get way more from our Creator than we deserve. Though we are small, His love for us is oh so BIG!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Great Saving Plan
August is going to be a great month to share some of my favorite scripture, because Romans, Chapter 8, is one of my favorite chapters in the entire bible. If you have never read it, or haven't done so in a while, please take this opportunity to check it out. I will probably be sharing from it quite often this month.
I can only suppose that the devil doesn't want everyone to know about The Great Saving Plan. My entire Google account got hacked today and I couldn't access the account for a while and I lost today's entry. I pray that all is rectified and this one gets published.
Today is 8/3 and the perfect verse for today, or ANY day, is Romans 8:3, "The law of Moses could not save us, because of our sinful nature. But God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent His own Son, in a human body like ours, except that ours are sinful. God destroyed sin's control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins." NLT
What a plan! I'll take it! Who wouldn't?! No one in their right mind would turn down such a great deal, would they? Well, I guess I wasn't always in my right mind. For a while, I was arrogant enough to think I was smarter than God and I rejected Him and His plan for my life. But God forgave my sin and loved me anyway. Through Jesus, our Great Redeemer, my sins were forgiven. In, with, and through Him we can gain all the forgiveness and security we will ever need. It cost God everything, but is freely offered to us. I cannot think of a better Saving Plan.
I can only suppose that the devil doesn't want everyone to know about The Great Saving Plan. My entire Google account got hacked today and I couldn't access the account for a while and I lost today's entry. I pray that all is rectified and this one gets published.
Today is 8/3 and the perfect verse for today, or ANY day, is Romans 8:3, "The law of Moses could not save us, because of our sinful nature. But God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent His own Son, in a human body like ours, except that ours are sinful. God destroyed sin's control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins." NLT
What a plan! I'll take it! Who wouldn't?! No one in their right mind would turn down such a great deal, would they? Well, I guess I wasn't always in my right mind. For a while, I was arrogant enough to think I was smarter than God and I rejected Him and His plan for my life. But God forgave my sin and loved me anyway. Through Jesus, our Great Redeemer, my sins were forgiven. In, with, and through Him we can gain all the forgiveness and security we will ever need. It cost God everything, but is freely offered to us. I cannot think of a better Saving Plan.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
More Than Enough
It's 8/2 and today's verse is from Mark 8:2, "I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. " NLT
How characteristic of Jesus to show compassion. He suddenly became concerned about the large number of people who had been with Him for three days and had run out of food. He was mindful that they would start on their way home and grow faint. This compassion led to Him making more than enough fish sandwiches for 4000 people out of a seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. This multiplication miracle was a result of the compassion of Christ. It was just one of many examples where Jesus cared about the needs of His people.
Jesus still cares about our needs. He also cares that we know Him, that we spend time with Him, listening to Him and getting to know Him and His ways. We will always witness His love when we spend time in His presence. It is there, that we will surely find our hunger satisfied by Him. He will always be more than enough for us. I'll pass on the fish sandwich. Just give me Jesus:-)
How characteristic of Jesus to show compassion. He suddenly became concerned about the large number of people who had been with Him for three days and had run out of food. He was mindful that they would start on their way home and grow faint. This compassion led to Him making more than enough fish sandwiches for 4000 people out of a seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. This multiplication miracle was a result of the compassion of Christ. It was just one of many examples where Jesus cared about the needs of His people.
Jesus still cares about our needs. He also cares that we know Him, that we spend time with Him, listening to Him and getting to know Him and His ways. We will always witness His love when we spend time in His presence. It is there, that we will surely find our hunger satisfied by Him. He will always be more than enough for us. I'll pass on the fish sandwich. Just give me Jesus:-)
Monday, August 1, 2011
Follow the Crowd!
The verse for 8/1 is from Matthew 8:1, "Large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the mountainside." NLT
I'm not surprised that crowds of people followed Jesus when they came face-to-face with Him. I think being in His presence automatically draws one to Him. When I think of my own life, I can draw a parallel. There was a time, before I met Jesus, that I did whatever I wanted and lived according to my own desires. Then, I met Jesus! Everything changed. I could not resist the love that drew me to Him. I had to follow Him. I wanted to!
How about you? Have you met Him? Have you been in His presence? If you have, then you totally know what I mean. If you haven't, then I invite you to meet Him, to get into His presence. I think you will say "yes" to the same love and grace that made me follow Him. Come on and join the crowd that follows Jesus. It will change everything...forever!
I'm not surprised that crowds of people followed Jesus when they came face-to-face with Him. I think being in His presence automatically draws one to Him. When I think of my own life, I can draw a parallel. There was a time, before I met Jesus, that I did whatever I wanted and lived according to my own desires. Then, I met Jesus! Everything changed. I could not resist the love that drew me to Him. I had to follow Him. I wanted to!
How about you? Have you met Him? Have you been in His presence? If you have, then you totally know what I mean. If you haven't, then I invite you to meet Him, to get into His presence. I think you will say "yes" to the same love and grace that made me follow Him. Come on and join the crowd that follows Jesus. It will change everything...forever!
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