Monday, August 8, 2011

History Lessons

The verse for 8/8 is Job 8:8, "Just ask the previous generation.  Pay attention to the experience of our ancestors."  NLT

Job's friends may not have had a lot of wisdom in Job's situation, but this verse was an exception.  Not for the reasons they were presenting, but, in general, it is wise to look at the history of previous generations.  We tend to repeat mistakes.  The Israelites did it over and over.  While I am not of Jewish descent, I can certainly relate to repeating mistakes like the Israelites did. 

God has been so good and faithful to me, yet there are times when I forget just how good He is.  I tend to become stubborn and try to do things my own way.  I'll walk with Him for some time and then I'll try to walk ahead of Him, or not follow where He leads me.  I think I would be wise to look at previous generations and learn from their mistakes.  Job might have been blameless, but I'm not that innocent.  Maybe I should take his friends' advice for my own good and learn from it.  It could help me from making a few mistakes of my own.

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