The bible verse I'm sharing for 8/29 is from Acts 8:29, "The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and walk along beside the carriage.” NLT
I don't know about you, but I want to be able to hear the Holy Spirit like Philip did. Furthermore, I want to act as quickly and obediently as Philip did. I think Philip is a great example of letting God's Holy Spirit guide us and be used by Him for His purposes. Because Philip ran to do as the Spirit led him, the man in the carriage was saved! If Philip had hesitated to question this prompting or felt embarrassed to do as he was instructed, this story may not have ended in a saved soul and the baptism of the unlikely man who was in the carriage.
This story is one of many conversions of faith represented through the book of Acts. Philip was an evangelist who was eager to tell everyone about the Jesus who rocked his world. Jesus had left his Spirit in believers, so they could be comforted and guided by Him. Obviously, Philip was keenly aware that he had divine guidance.
Friends, the only difference between us and Philip is awareness and obedience. The same Holy Spirit that guided Philip wants to guide you and me. I want to be led and used by the Spirit, more now than ever before. My prayer is that my heart will be completely surrendered to God and His leading. That's my prayer for you, as well. May we live like we have a Savior living within us and not be ashamed to let others see Him in and through us. It could be a life-changer for all of us - not only for eternity, but for the present. Our human shells house an awesome treasure in the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit. I think it's time we start to think, act and live like it. Lord, let us live under your influence.
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