Sunday, August 7, 2011

You'll know it when you see it

The verse for 8/7 is from Song of Solomon 8:7, "Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it.  If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned."  NLT

There are not a whole lot of verses from Song of Solomon that I would venture to elaborate on.  This book is pretty passionate and involves a lot of honest dialogue concerning romance and marital love.  King Solomon, known for his wisdom, pinned the lyrics in this poetic book, but God gave Solomon his wisdom and God allows us to see glimpses of His perfect love for us through these passages.  I'm certainly no expert at understanding or explaining godly love...but I want to be.  I'm pretty sure that the kind of love God has for us, and wants us to have for Him and for each other, is inexpressible in human terms.  But I heard a very humble and wise man say once, "You'll know it when you see it."  I think he was right. 

Love is bigger than explanation.  It can be seen, felt, and heard, but not often explained.  The only way we can truly know how to love and be loved is through experiencing the love of our God.  Even then, our human minds and bodies have a hard time wrapping our arms around this thing called love.  God's Holy Spirit is the lens through which we get a glimpse of love.  When we accept the love of Jesus and enter into a true relationship with Him, His Holy Spirit lives within us.  It is only through Him that love can grow and illuminate our senses.  Does that sound natural?  It's anything is purely supernatural.  But we will know it when we see it, if we use the proper lenses.

All I know is that love is a word and an emotion that gets thrown around a lot, but is much less likely to be grasped and understood.  God created us to experience true love.  It's bigger than all of us combined.  I want to learn how to love like God wants me to love.  That not only means loving Him and those that are easy to love.  It also means loving those that are less easy to love.  But that is what our wise and wonderful God has called us to do.  I think if we can get past what we want to do, and surrender to what He wants to do in and through us, we might begin to experience His kind of love.  

My kind of love is so limited.  God's love is perfect.  As I spend time with Him and study His character and His ways, God teaches me more and more about real love.  I'm learning day by day, minute by minute.  Knowing God, is loving Him.  Knowing God better, is loving Him better.  Knowing God completely, is loving Him completely.  That's what I'm aiming for.  Am I there?  No, but through His Holy lenses, I'm beginning to know love when I see it.  And when I see it, God is always right in the middle of it. 

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