The 10/6 verse is from Jeremiah 10:6, "Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power." NLT
The prophet Jeremiah was heartbroken by the idolatry and rebellion of God's people. Because of their sin and indifference, Jeremiah knew that their homeland would one day be reduced to a heap of ruins. In the beginning of the book of Jeremiah, it says that God touched Jeremiah's mouth and put words in them. Jeremiah preached a hard message to a hardened people. Do you think that made him the most popular preacher in town? Most assuredly not, but he had to deliver the message God gave him.
Jeremiah knew that God's judgement would be poured out on an unrepentant people who worshipped other gods, idols they had made themselves. He knew those gods were powerless and that the people were foolish for worshipping such false empty idols. In the verse above, he is crying out to the one and only true God. He knows the difference between the all-powerful Creator and the gods that were created by man. There was no comparison. There still is no comparison.
I must admit that I see some similarities in these rebellious people and the people in our own culture. It alarms me. Not to the degree that I am fearful, but I am wise enough to be mindful that our God will not continue to be mocked forever. He has administered His grace repeatedly, yet many continue to be hard-hearted and selfish in their ways. I hear the Jeremiahs that God is using today to urge people to turn away from their idolatry and their sinful ways. Many people still turn deaf ears to God's plea for them to look to Him and not to the world for their happiness, for their future. I have to wonder, how long will God put up with such selfishness?
Well, I've read the book of Revelation and I know how this ends! God wins! God's people win! There in no one like our God! He is great and His name is full of power! I'm going to stand on that truth amidst a world that is rebellious and indifferent. I think if Jeremiah were here today he would say, "Listen up, people! Are you going to choose God or are you going to choose the things of this world? Are you going to take the Real Thing or an imitation?" There is no comparison. I'm going to take the Real Thing! I hear ya, Jeremiah!
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