Saturday, October 1, 2011

Telling His Story

The verse for 10/1 is from Luke 10:1, "The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit." NLT

God has been in the business of sending His followers out to spread His Good News for a very long time, as this verse demonstrates.  There are still so many people that don't have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  They are unaware that He is God's plan A.  There is no Plan B, as far as salvation is concerned.  I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.  I believe He paid for my sins by dying on the cross.  I believe that, by trusting and believing in Him, I will get to be with Him in heaven for eternity.  My goal....I want to take as many people with me as possible! 

My husband and I are so blessed and humbled to get to tell others about the goodness of God.  What a privilege to be used by Him to spread His Good News to others.  Our story is not pretty, but we're so thankful God has changed the ending.  We will spend the rest of our lives telling others our story and, more importantly, His story. 

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