Monday, October 17, 2011

What's in a Name?

It's 10/17 and the verse I'm sharing today is from Luke 10:17, "The 70 disciples came back very happy. They said, “Lord, even demons obey us when we use the power and authority of your name!” GW

What's in a name?  When that name is Jesus, the answer is, "Everything!"  He is all powerful.  His is the name above every other name.  These disciples used His name to rebuke demons.  Would you be surprised to know that we can also use the power and authority of His name?  It's absolutely true!  There is power in the name of Jesus.

The best way to get to know the power of Jesus' name is to use it.  Jesus must love it when we talk to Him .  Jesus must love it when we realize that He has given us authority to use His name in praise, in prayer, and in warfare.  Acknowledging Jesus and His Lordship in our life is a great way to experience His presence and power.  Let the name of Jesus resonate in your heart and rest on your lips.  Think about Jesus and revel in His goodness, His love, and His power.  Oh, how I love the name of Jesus...just like I love Him!

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