The verse for 8/26 is from Romans 8:26, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." NIV
Have you ever tried to pray, or wanted to pray, but just didn't know how to express yourself? I'll admit, I've been there. I treasure times when my heart is in such surrendered accord with my Lord, that no words are necessary. Not that I don't want to talk to God, but that His spirit, in me, has already ushered my words to the heart of my Father. I'm not sure what kind of osmosis that is...but I totally desire to experience the fullness it brings to my soul. Besides, God's vocabulary is so much better than my own. And it strikes me that, when you are the WORD, it sort of negates the necessity of using them!
Lord, never let me stop communing with you in prayer, but keep my mouth shut and my mind quieted long enough to trust that your Holy Spirit within me can take over when I've got nothing. Empty me out Lord, so I may be filled with You. As the Amy Grant song says, "That's better than a Hallelujah!"
Carolynn, this is the first time I've read from your blog. I can easily relate to your entry for today. Many times I have felt that the words I've offered in prayer are so inadequate, that I could have and should have done better. After all there are so many other people whose prayers sound amazing. I don't sound like them and therefore don't participate often in praying out loud in groups. Rather I find myself so deeply involved in glorious prayer in my head that is utterly beautiful. I'm not sure that I actually could speak the words and thoughts that happen during that quiet time with my Lord. Maybe one day those words will be allowed to be heard by others but for now I am loving the beautiful songs I hear in the quiet moments of prayer. Thank you for your entry today. I has helped me to appreciate my "prayer by osmosis" rather than feel that I am not doing my best for Him.
Thank you for commenting. Your words really ministered to me. God is so good to meet us in the throne room and make it glorius and honoring to Him. Only He can do that. Bless you!
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