Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A snuggie and a cup of joe

Seriously, the relationship between me and this blog is in deep trouble! I have been emotionally and physically unavailable and I'm in dire need of a cup of joe. Even if no one else is around to share a cup with me, I need to get back into my happy zone. Writing is a place that makes me happy. I may be random, but I'm in my sweet spot, nontheless, when I can express my thoughts...deep or shallow, funny or sad...and just be me. Is it always pretty? No, but it is usually somewhat interesting to say the least.

Today's random thoughts are jumping to my constant struggle with cold weather. It got below freezing here today and I am now officially accepting sympathy cards for my grief over the loss of warm weather. I kid you not, this is really a challenge for me. We left 70 degree weather in Lexington this past weekend and now I'm watching my University of Kentucky Wildcats play basketball in Maui as I sit here in the frigid cold. They keep showing pictures of the landscape in Hawaii. Oh, how I would love to be there cheering them on...in person.

As I'm lamenting the onset of wicked winter in the Northwest, I have to snap back to a happy place and count my blessings. It's high time for a psalm and song of praise to bring me up out of the pits of my despair. For goodness sake, we're about to celebrate Thanksgiving this week and I'm whining about a little cold weather. I've got so much to be thankful for - it almost embarrasses me that my focus is on a little discomfort that can be covered up with a snuggie a good warm drink.

This all sort of reminds me of my prayer life and the time I spend with God. Even though my time with Him is sweeter than anywhere else in life, I kinda go AWOL on Him every once in a while and find myself in a cold season. How does He respond when I find myself out in the cold? He opens His arms and envelopes me like a warm blanket just out of the dryer. He doesn't berate me for how long I've been gone. He just lets me say anything I want, even the random stuff, as if He was having coffee with Carolynn! If I close my eyes, I can feel my toes in the sand...right by His footprints. I think I'm going to snuggle up in my snuggie, get a nice cup of coffee and take a walk with my Father. We've got some catching up to do because I've been gone far too long.