Monday, December 28, 2009

Deeply rooted peace

My surgery is scheduled for January 22nd at 11:30 am at OSF St. Anthony's in Rockford, IL. The surgeon recommended a lumpectomy in the biopsied area. I still have to meet with the radiologist next week (Jan 6th) and with the surgeon once more (Jan 7th) before the actual surgery. The lumpectomy option is probably the easiest physical surgery, but my hope is to have the surgery that would be most successful in reducing the probability of recurrence. If the lumpectomy is that option, I'm all for it. If more radical surgery is required, please pray that I will know that and that the doctors will know that, as well, and agree on the exact surgery that I am supposed to have. In it all, I pray for deeply rooted peace.

During last week's Christmas services, our pastor alluded to the strength of a tree being well and deeply "rooted". My take on what he said (and I paraphrase) was that being deeply rooted in the love and truth of God and His word better equips us for difficult things we may go through in life. If we're deeply rooted in Him, we are better equipped to handle the words, "You have cancer". This struck me as so true. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me strength...Philippians 4:13. But the clincher was the other three examples he used; phrases like, "I don't love you anymore", "We're going to have to let you go" and "We're going to have to foreclose on your home". I realized that I have now heard all four of these statements at some point in my lifetime. I was reminded of where my strength came from in these last three statements. God got me through each incident and experience, as I surrendered them to Him, and drew me closer to Him in the process. And I know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose...Romans 8:28. Oh how I love Him and recognise His blessings in my life. So, yes, being deeply rooted in the love and truth of Jesus Christ is definitely my source of strength. So, while I may have heard the dreaded "You have cancer", I am better equipped to handle it because of my dependence upon God as my strength, as my Healer.

Bill often signs his books using Jeremiah 33:3, which says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". As I call to Him, I am confident that He hears me and I eagerly await the wisdom for the great things He will tell me! I am also so grateful that you are joining me in calling to Him...THANK YOU!

My soul magnifies the Lord, for He has done great things for me!

Monday, December 21, 2009

He is with me and...I trust Him!

I heard good news from the MRI test today. It did not reveal any additional cancer than what has already been diagnosed from the biopsy. I meet with the surgeon on 12/24 to discuss surgery and next step options. Please continue to pray and thank you for doing so!!!!!!!

I get a devotional message delivered to my phone every day. Before I got the news this morning, I got the message and the content was about an angel of the Lord coming to Mary about news of her virgin birth of Savior Jesus. She was no doubt scared of what she may be facing, but she was trusting in the Lord. I had no doubt there was a message there for me. No matter what this day and the future would unfold, I was trusting the Lord. He is always with me through anything that I may face. Take heart, He is with YOU as well.

Yes, my soul magnifies the Lord, for He has done great things for me!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

God is God!

I wanted to keep family and friends updated on what's going on with me and our family, so I'll probably put postings on this blog periodically to give any new information for those of you that may want to be kept in the loop. So many have offered their prayers, love, support and more to me and Bill in the last few days and I am totally overwhelmed by your graciousness and kindness. Many do not know what's going on yet and some are lifting us up in prayer, whether I'm aware of it, or not. I feel it and I'm thankful.

I went in a couple of weeks ago for a routine mammogram and got called back for a second look because of some suspicious spots that looked like calcifications. I had a biopsy on the right breast this past Tuesday and was informed on Wednesday that it was cancer. I had an MRI Thursday night to pinpoint more specific details of just how large it is and if it is anywhere else on either side. I should hear more definitive information on Monday.

I am blessed to be in a community and church family that is spectacular and to have family and friends across the country that are lifting me up in prayer. I've had two of our elders pray for me has been through this experience and is celebrating God's goodness in her life...the other is my oncologist and he is the absolute best anyone could ever ask for. God has me in the right place. The love and kindness that has been shown to me from people has blown me away. And I know that's only the tip of the iceberg. So many of you have been praying. I value your prayers so very much. Please continue to pray for God's healing powers. I'm praying that Monday's news will be the best possible news I could hear. I'm hopeful that God has outright healed me...YES, it's possible with God...or that whatever is there is revealed in totality and has been caught early and is small and easy to remove and treat. I am praying that it hasn't gotten into my blood stream or lympth nodes in order to spread to any other area in my body. I'm also praying that God will direct me in treatment options and decisions. If you could pray for me and Bill (and Kristen, my angel) we would be so grateful. Bill has been a rock and is my greatest support. Kristen is in KY and I just wish I could hug her. I just want God to protect her and give her strength. I'm counting on your prayers, along with ours, because I know God hears our prayers and He answers. I am trusting in Him.

About a month ago, Bill picked up Chris Tomlin's Christmas CD, "Glory in the Highest" for me. I fell in love with all the songs, but I was immediately drawn to a song referred to as Mary's song because the words relay the account in Luke that unfolds the birth of Jesus and Mary's heart. Mary, and the song, exclaims, "My soul magnifies the Lord, for He has done great things for me!" That song, those words, has become my theme. I will magnify and glorify Him because He is my hope.

How appropriate, at this wonderful time of year, for me to be reminded that a baby was born so that I may have life; not just any baby, but a Savior, Jesus Christ. What a gift God gave us all! My soul has to rejoice in that. My soul also rejoices in the love of God's people. I am humbled by prayers, and words, and deeds that have been showered upon me. Gifts of love. I am blessed.

I may have heard the "c" word, but I have to put it in perspective. I heard the little "c" word - cancer. It is what it is, but God is God! Because, a more important "C" word for me is CHRIST! So, big "C" trumps little "c" every time....God is God and He's the great physician!!!

Thank you for your love and prayers. I will try to keep you updated as often as I can. I thank you all for your grace and mercy. You are such a blessing to me and my family.