Monday, December 9, 2013

Three Words

Four years ago today, December 9th, 2009, I heard 3 words no one ever wants to hear - three words that will change your life forever.  That day, a doctor looked at me and said, "You have cancer".  It confirmed the feeling that this was something God was going to allow to occur in my life.  But I knew I wouldn't be alone.  God was with me.  My awareness of Him and my need for Him was magnified in such a way that I came out better for the experience.  He does indeed work all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.  I believe that with all heart.

Today, I consider myself blessed.  I unashamedly praise God for the grace He has shown me in this journey.  My perspective has grown and allowed me to see through more spiritual eyes - eyes dependent on the God who has saved me.  I have discovered that life is short and the things that are important should be the things that I am about.  For me those important things are God, family, friends, and a world that needs to meet the Jesus who came to save us all.

On this day, I think Jesus wants us to hear 3 different words that will change our lives forever.  He said these three words as He hung on a cross, suffering and paying for the sins of the world.  The three words?  "It is finished"!  That means, no matter what we have to go through in this life, He has paved the way for our journey to end up in heaven for eternity.  Yes, it is finished, and I am so grateful to hear those three words!

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