Sunday, August 10, 2014


I don't know who invented hashtags, but I'm a big fan. Many people dislike their randomness, but that is just what I embrace. I kind of feel like a hashtag is a way of not worrying about conjugation, grammar or logic and being able to be creative with a little fun or sometimes snarky snippet. I'm sure the geniuses in the social media world (I say that seriously, not as an insult) intended it to be used in a particular way, but my random mind likes to use it in my own random ways. A hashtag gives me license to do just that - to blurt out my randomness without fear of the hashtag, grammar, or perfection police telling me I'm doing it all wrong.  Maybe I am, but it doesn't matter. When I hashtag, I usually smile. I hope it becomes infectious and others start to smile. I hope they embrace their own random hashtags.

For a middle-aged person (it's taken me some long, serious honest introspection to admit that at 50-something I am "at least" at middle-age), I realize my admiration for this newer generational phenomena is a bit strange. But I love to be able to express thoughts and ideas in new and engaging ways and, to me, a hashtag is just that - an unusual, but effective, means of expression. All I can say is #MorePowerToIt. One condition I've put on my own hashtags is that of capitalization for the next word. I realize that's not really the way to do it but, #ItMakesItEasierToRead.

All this talk about hashtags made me wonder what kinds of hashtags I would use as a nutshell expression for who I am, for what matters to me. I've utilized the remainder of this post to paint a random picture of just that. I hope it tells a story!

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