Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Perfect Gift

Are you in a frenzy to find the perfect gift to give this Christmas?  I've got the answer for you.  It is so simple, yet so difficult, for most of us to receive and give this amazing gift.  Let me tell you about this gift - the best gift I ever received or gave away.  The gift I'm speaking of is simply the love of Jesus.

If we have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have been given a free gift.  Yet it costs so very much for Jesus and our Father God to give that gift to us.  Jesus came into our world in a simple fashion that had no material trappings with which to confuse such a gift.  His mother and earthly father had to beg for shelter in which she could give birth.  All that was available was a manger in a stable; not a usual place for humans; such an unusual place for a king.  Yet the gift was the embodiment of love - LOVE from our Father God.  When He came to earth as the baby Jesus, He came to be with us; Emmanuel - God with us.  When He came to be with us there was a greater gift within His purpose.  His purpose was to ultimately give His life for our sins, to be the only sacrifice that could ever atone for the sins of mankind.

Because of God's great gift to us, we can have life.  We can have an abundant life now, in the love and grace of Jesus.  We can live with the peace and guidance of God's Holy Spirit within us - a peace and wisdom that the world cannot otherwise offer.  We can be assured to live forever with God, in heaven, when we leave this earth.  It doesn't take someone well-educated; it doesn't take someone with lots of material wealth and riches; it doesn't take someone who is perfect to give or receive this gift.  It take someone who is willing to say, "I need a Savior and I accept this free gift"!

So, are you scrambling for that perfect gift to give someone this Christmas?  Why not give everyone you encounter this Christmas - loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and strangers - the love of Jesus?  Let me go one step further.  Why not give people this gift throughout the year?  We don't have to wait until Christmas.  God's love can be given to people every day of our lives.  We can tell people who don't know about Jesus who He is, what He has done for us, how His love changed our lives and has given us a hope for eternal life.  We can encourage those that do know Him that He is faithful and His grace is sufficient for our every need.  We can offer love and community to people with authenticity and passion.  We can let the light of Jesus shine brightly within us and spill out all over everyone we encounter.  Such a gift cannot be matched with material aspiration or gain.  Such a gift is immeasurable and incomparable.  Such a gift is priceless.

Everyone needs the gift of Jesus.  Be the one to give the most precious gift one could ever give or receive.  It's so much better than a sweater, a scarf, a pair of socks, or underwear.  Yeah, I think you get the picture....what are you waiting for....give the love of Jesus away this Christmas and everyday.  It's a great way to make this world a better place - one person at a time.

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