Friday, September 16, 2011

The Crescendo

The verse for 9/16 is from Exodus 9:16, "But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."  NIV

In this verse the Lord is instructing Moses to say this to Pharaoh.  In layman terms, I can imagine the Lord saying something like, "Hey look, Buster, the only reason you're still around is because I've allowed it!"  Pharaoh thought he was all that, but he was really just a means to an end.  And the end of God's people being enslaved in Egypt was in process.  I love the way God created an epic saga of events that crescendoed into a rescue so spectacular that no one could deny the glory of God. 

I mean, really!  It seems like God was just toying with Pharaoh when He used an onslaught of things like blood, frogs, a variety of bugs, cows, boils, hail and darkness to persuade him to let the Israelites go.  He knew Pharaoh would resist.  In fact, God even hardened Pharaoh's heart so he would not give in and let His people go.  Why would God do this, you might ask.  Well, I'm not completely sure, but I've watched Charlton Heston and the Ten Commandments many times and I have to tell you that the parting of the Red Sea was spectacular, beyond monumental.  God made a way for His own people to cross over safely to freedom and when Pharaoh's army tried to follow suite, they were completely swallowed up as the waters came crashing in.  Victory!  No one, other than Almighty God, could have delivered His people with such power and glory. 

I think we are in our own kind of saga in today's society.  Prominent people have come to think they are in control and their hearts are hardened toward God and His people.  I can truly envision God finally getting fed up and saying, "Hey look, Buster!"  The same God that saved and delivered the Israelites is still in control.  He will not be mocked forever.  In case we've forgotten, He knows how to deliver His people in magnificent fashion.  I've no doubt that He will continue to show His power.  Yes, His name will be proclaimed in all the earth...a crescendo that will proudly declare His glory!

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