Saturday, August 27, 2011

Be Amazed!

The verse for 8/27 is from Matthew 8:27, "Everyone was amazed. What kind of man is this? they said. Even the winds and the waves obey him!"  GNT

Storms threaten our lives from time to time.  Right now, there are winds and waves roaring along the eastern seaboard as Hurricane Irene barrels in - uninvited.  Right now, there are people who may feel like they have their own virtual hurricane crashing in around them.  They don't have to be on the East Coast to experience a horrendous storm.  They may be in the mid-west, the south-west, or the deep south.  None of us are exempt and storms come from time to time - again, uninvited. 

It's what we do in the midst of our storms that determines how we will get through them.  I believe this passage was intended to represent the power Jesus has to calm the storms in our life.  The disciples where threatened by a storm.  They were afraid and they called on Jesus to save them from peril.  Jesus had only to rebuke the waves and wind and suddenly everything was calm.  We can do the same.  We don't have to be afraid.  We can call on our Savior to still the waters and calm our storms.  Much like the disciples, I think we will be amazed at Christ's display of power when we invite Him into the storms of our life. 

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