Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today is 8/11 and the verse for the day is Isaiah 8:11, "The Lord has said to me in the strongest terms: 'Do not think like everyone else does."  NLT

Although Isaiah is speaking of a word given to him by the Lord, I could say, "Ditto!"  I think God would say this to any one of us who have ears that are willing to hear.  God's word is full of scripture that tells us not to adhere to the ways of the world, but to keep our eyes fixed on Him.  Doing so makes such a difference in the way we live.  

Everyone one else thinks our answers in life are found in the world.  God says our answers are found in Him.  If we watch the news channels or read the headlines of our current culture we will hear any number of talking heads suggesting their remedies for whatever ails us.  The world is a mess and it just keeps getting messier. We made the mess and we're arrogant enough to think we can fix it.  I don't know about you, but that looks a little like insanity to me.

I am 100% sure that my God doesn't want me to think like everyone else.  He wants me to have the mind of Christ; to think like Him.  The world would have us lean on our own understanding, but God says we are to trust in Him.  I want to stand up for God and stand out to God; to be recognised by Him as the one who follows Him, and not the world.  I don't want to be like everyone else.  Do you?

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