Saturday, August 20, 2011


On 8/20 we are taking a look at Proverbs 8:20, "I walk in the way of righteousness, on the paths of justice,"  GW

This verse is part of a passage that is referring to wisdom.  King Solomon is writing about the virtues of wisdom and how it can benefit your earthly walk and your spiritual awareness.  According to scripture, wisdom is many things and we would be well-served to seek it whole-heartedly. Wisdom will help us make right decisions in this life and help us have an eternal perspective in our journey.  I cannot imagine why any of us would not pursue and embrace wisdom.

The truth about wisdom is that it comes from God.  He wants to give us the gift of wisdom so we can know Him and His truth.  Wisdom reveals the character of God and draws us closer to Him.  When we are wise to His truth, we are wise indeed.  I want that whole-heartedly.  Don't you?

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