Thursday, March 31, 2011

All that - and then some!

The 3/31 verse of the day is John 3:31, "He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. I am from the earth and my understanding is limited to the things of earth, but he has come from heaven." (NLT)

John continued to stress in this chapter that he is merely human, from the earth, and his job was to prepare the way for Jesus; to tell everyone that the One from heaven, the Messiah, was coming.

Fast forward to today. John proved to be right. Jesus came from heaven. He was, and is, the Savior. He ended up dying for us and went back to heaven. I wonder how John felt as he tried to convince the doubters? Was he frustrated or did he just yearn for them to know that there was a bigger picture? Maybe he felt a bit like we believers do today when we tell others that Jesus is coming back from heaven for us.

Like John, I want everyone to get that bigger picture. Yes, Jesus is all that...and then some!

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