Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Join in the Harvest

The verse for 10/5 is Proverbs 10:5, "A sensible person gathers the crops when they are ready; it is a disgrace to sleep through the time of harvest."  GNT

Proverbs is a book of wisdom.  I think a lot of the verses, therein, deal with character.  The verse above reminds me that it is wise to always be alert and ready.  Complaceny, laziness, or a lukewarm attitude don't lend themselves toward productivity or success in any area of our lives.

I'm thinking about our Christian walk in this application.  This morning I heard someone say that a comfortable faith is no faith at all.  When we get comfortable or complacent, we tend to sit back and let everyone else do all the work.  If we've taken a back seat in sharing the Good News of Christ, a character check might indicate that we need a dose of passion.  Our Savior wasn't complacent or comfortable when He endured death on a cross on our behalf.  Likewise, I don't think it is sensible for us to be complacent in introducing everyone we can to the Christ who saved us.

It is autumn, the time of year that is often thought of as a time of harvest.  Are we alert; ready for God's harvest?  I can't help but think God wants to reap a great harvest of souls for His kingdom.  I'd hate to be asleep and disgrace Him now, or anytime.  There are many people who need to know Him.  There are many who are ready.  Let's wake up and join in the harvest!

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