Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Prize!

The 6/5 verse for the day is from Deut 6:5. The Message version says, "Love the Lord your God, with your whole heart: love Him with all that's in you, love Him with all you've got!"

This scripture is of great importance. I think our Father wants us to get it right, because He repeats it in a number of other places. I don't believe He sits around idly, just saying repetitive words, but has purpose and passion for everything he says and does. I've counted over 14 cross references in other verses throughout the bible that say pretty much the same thing. You don't have to be a Rhodes scholar to know that giving your heart totally to God is a key factor in this thing called life. I think I get it!

Okay, so now I need to follow through and keep my eyes on the Prize. Our Lord is the Prize. Nothing on earth could ever satisfy us or fill our hearts like the love of Jesus. The natural response of loving Him back with all we have and all we are, is heart-healthy. When our hearts are full of love for the Lord, it pours out onto everyone else and in everything we do. Our Lord knew what He was doing when He asked for our total love and commitment. I'm working, every day, on giving Him more and more. The prize is worth everything!

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