Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Holy, Holy, Holy

The verse I've chosen for 6/1 is from Isaiah 6:1, "In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.  He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple." (NLT)

I love sharing this verse from Isaiah.  It makes me long for a glimpse of God's holiness.  In our earthly realm, it is hard for us to envision the true and utter holiness of God.  It has to be like nothing we've ever seen before, but Isaiah's account of his vision sort of takes me there.  That is, in as much as my human mind can wrap itself around holiness.  I have a sneaky suspicion that such knowledge is too wonderful to behold and it may take the confines of heaven to afford me that glory.  In the meantime, I'll wait in anticipation and borrow Isaiah's glimpse of holiness to tide me over until I see Him for myself.

One of my favorite worship songs, of all-time, utilizes this scripture as it exclaims the holiness of God.  Click on the blue link and listen to, "Holy, Holy, Holy."  I pray that it gives us just a glimpse of God's holiness.

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